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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I think I just killed a wasp.

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Ok so I bought a heat gun over a month ago. Hasn't left the room since, been used numerous times and when it is cooled it goes back in its box... Just now, I decided to pull a blade and used the heat gun. I put on the concentrator cap and went to town. Almost immediately I started smelling something burning. I turned off the gun and looked at the stick, was barely hot. It wasn't hot enough to pull so I turned on the gun and a piece of what I thought was ash shot out and landed on my floor. I turned off the gun and looked at it... It's a burned to the crisp wasp! WTF?! Where the HELL did this come from? It's an internal room that I rarely see ANYTHING living besides myself and maybe an occasional dog(aka little bastard) that sneaks it's way into the room. AND I took the heat gun out of the box, that it's been in for like 2 weeks. Very weird.

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That almost beats the time I was driving on the freeway and crushed a bee by having it fly in the window and pancake itself just under my nose at 60mph. Talk about a stiff upper lip. Damn near made me run off the road on the upcoming curve, I swear I tripoded my van, good thing there was no oncoming traffic.

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I killed a wasp with a fork once. My buddies and I were eating at a nice little restaurant in Cleveland called "Shooters". Wicked nice day, so we sat at one of the tables outside, right on the water. Beautiful restaurant, good-looking waitresses...but one problem; one wasp that was flying around and wouldn't leave us alone.

After we got our drinks, the waitress came back over to get our orders. We told her about the wasp, and she apologized and told us that we could move back inside if we wanted to do so after she got our orders. Sure enough, while she was taking our orders, the little fucker landed on the table right in front of me. I grabbed my fork and swung for it - and got it good. Then I just looked at the waitress and said "Um, I think we're going to stay at this table, but I'm going to need another fork, please." I was a hero.

After it was swept off the table and onto the floor.

My chicken parm...it was good.

(yeah, I took a lot of pictures of random, unimportant stuff - but I'm just a kid and I was on vacation with my buddies, so just about everything was unimportant...but usually had a good story behind it).

*edit* When I was younger, I used to kill them with wiffleball bats. I'd poke at a nest and watch them all go nuts, then try to pick them off with the bat. I figured that if I could swat a wasp with a wiffleball bat, I sure as Hell would be able to adjust to a curveball.

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During my cycling career myself and 11 of my teammates were out on a training ride doing pace work. Full double rotating pace lines, carrying 32-42mph at the time. We were doing this in May of 2000 just outside of Knoxville TN when I was at the head of our group and rode through a swarm of bees. Covered in spandex, and with my jersey unzipped all the way to mid stomach I got about 12 of them inside of my jersey, at 35 mph and nowhere to go. The rest of my teammates rode through the same swarm (a bee keeper had just adjusted about 15 bee houses that were 30 ft from the road) and we were all lit up pretty good. Amazingly enough, after being stung 8 times myself in the stomach, chest and right arm....I didn't go down, and neither did anyone else on my team. I was actually killing the bees while riding by beating on my chest like King Kong with my right hand while holding onto the handlebars with my left, and similar barbaric motions going on behind me. The funny part was once I got to a stop I pulled the bottom of my jersey away from my stomach and about 6 dead and squashed bees fell to the road, and similar chaos occurred behind me. Needless to say....we never again took that same route again during a training ride. :blink:

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Never seen a wasp till I had moved down to the South. I would get nests outside my apt. door and they'd spray them off. One time it had a nest attached right to the door jam itself. One of the bastards got into my apt. and when I was brushing my teeth I heard it and saw it in the mirror. I grabbed a shirt from the hamper and went to smush him. I had him and even started to squeeze and mush him into the shirt. I went to flush him in the toilet and the damn thing flew out of the shirt. To hell with those creatures.

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During my cycling career myself and 11 of my teammates were out on a training ride doing pace work. Full double rotating pace lines, carrying 32-42mph at the time. We were doing this in May of 2000 just outside of Knoxville TN when I was at the head of our group and rode through a swarm of bees. Covered in spandex, and with my jersey unzipped all the way to mid stomach I got about 12 of them inside of my jersey, at 35 mph and nowhere to go. The rest of my teammates rode through the same swarm (a bee keeper had just adjusted about 15 bee houses that were 30 ft from the road) and we were all lit up pretty good. Amazingly enough, after being stung 8 times myself in the stomach, chest and right arm....I didn't go down, and neither did anyone else on my team. I was actually killing the bees while riding by beating on my chest like King Kong with my right hand while holding onto the handlebars with my left, and similar barbaric motions going on behind me. The funny part was once I got to a stop I pulled the bottom of my jersey away from my stomach and about 6 dead and squashed bees fell to the road, and similar chaos occurred behind me. Needless to say....we never again took that same route again during a training ride. :ph34r:

squished bugs gross me out...i can't imagine squished bugs all over my body.

I can remember when I was about 8 year old, there was a group high school kids I was neighbors with and I always tried to tag along with them whenever they all got together in the neighborhood. I was too young at the time to realize they were just letting me hang around for comic relief. But one time one of them had an underground wasp nest in their front yard...it was in this gigantic mulch mound. Well they gave me a tennis racket and told me to get ready, poured a ton of gasoline down the hole to the nest and lit it on fire. Flaming wasps came flying out and I was swinging away while they ran into their garage and watched. I actually didn't get stung, there were a lot of split wasps in his driveway after that. It was pretty retarded, I thought it was hilarious at the time. It's funny how much more brave you are as a kid!

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When I lived with my parents, there was a nest that kept recurring right near the front door and it was obviously my job to kill it. I came up with the clever solution of Raid and a broom handle. A couple of them snuck inside, I found an excellent solution in the form of a wet rag and they met their maker. I've killed many wasps and bees, and haven't been stung since I was little. Call me Dale Gribble...

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It's a burned to the crisp wasp!

man i wish it was warm enough for wasps here. its been -40 to -52 for the past few weeks. when it's -40 i consider it really warm, and one day it was -33, i didn't even wear a jacket cause it felt so warm to me. i now have a cold but that's beside the point...

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Haha...this one is making me laugh. I had my share of wasp/bee accidents. The most freaky one beeing a wasp that pierced my ear lobe. I mean ear ring style. It didn´t really hurt much cause it went right through without giving me any poison. I was rather shocked though since I heard it (extremely loud) beeing stuck. I was afraid to touch/remove it and after about 20 seconds (which felt like an hour) it finally ripped itself apart from its thorn, fell to the ground and got a good ass beating. :lol:

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I dont really kill wasps that much personally but my dad shoots them out of the air with rubber bands. I would never believe him until the thing was dead on the floor. Really fun to watch him do that

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My B.

So anyways, I just moved to the south and I thought bees would be the worst, but no to me the worst flying fuckers is those little things that get on you when you sweat and it like stings or something for a minute. Being that its always 95 million degrees i instantly have a pool in my ass upon exiting my apartment so I have those bugs eating me all day.

Once there was a big damn praying mantis on my chair on the porch. I got my Axe body spray and lighter and torched it. I swear to god Bear Grylls woulda picked the meat off that mantis and been satisfied for 3 days. It was THAT big.

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I've only skated on a pond once :( Even in PA it wasn't cold enough for long enough except very rarely. Some kids at my old university got to play on a pond a few times last month.

Best part about pond hockey. No bugs.

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