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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Moderated chat with Steve Jones of NBH going on NOW

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If you have any questions feel free to post them and I will submit them to JR. Although, I bet JR has an eye on this thread.

Just because your computer isnt working doesnt mean you dont deserve answers to your questions.

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I signed on just as JR was wishing Steve a good night. Damn homework keeping me away from the internets! I look forward to the transcript though!

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Was there a heads up that there is some special chat? I would have joined, but i didnt know that a chatsession was about to happen.

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It really was on the fly...


If you guys have any additional questions, post it in that thread. If Steve needs to answer anything, he'll relay it to me and we'll get it up there.

It went very well guys. I cannot thank you guys enough for asking good questions. Our opinions are valued by the industry and obviously for us to be considered when major news in this industry goes down says a lot about our community.

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