D aka speck 0 Report post Posted February 23, 2008 I had to share this.It's (if you read the whole thing) hilarious.Yesterday, a guy comes into my store and shreds open a product, which he was not quiet about, priced around $150.00.He stuffs the item into his laptop bag.Then proceeds to go to the Verizon kiosk (about 4 feet away).The idiot proceeds to sign up for cell phone service which requires a credit app.He literally, comitted theft, then gave the witnesses his personal info!But wait, there's more!2 days ago, a guy tried to use a stolen AMEX card to get over $1300.00 worth of product.His I.D. was about 1/4 inch thick.The salesman told him that he had to get an approval code for the sale and the guy (dressed in camo pants and a brown leather sport coat to ensure that he would stand out) ran out.About 2 hours later he called to explain that he had forgotten his I.D. and credit card when he was in earlier and asked if he could come get them.THIS GETS BETTER!When he showed up, he brought a friend, who actually came in to pick up the fraudulend card and ID, while he stood right out front.We called the cops.His friend wasn't going to be charged with anything, until they found heroin in his pocket.STUPID! :lol: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted February 23, 2008 Wow. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
li7039 0 Report post Posted February 23, 2008 lol dumb ass Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AnthonyJTa 0 Report post Posted February 23, 2008 Well, this may be a matter of personal opinion... but aren't all criminals stupid? haha... When I was a manager at a record store... we had a kid stuff his coat with cds, and just attempt the "haul ass" method of getting out of the store. He glimpsed over at the counter while he ran out full-steam, and ran right into the alarm scanners set up in front of the door.... knocked himself right the fuck out. Me, and a co-worker ran over to grab him, and Sleeping Beauty didn't even need restraint. All 4 of us were crying we were laughing so hard... he came to, and we had him take a seat at the counter until the police came. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strosedefence34 178 Report post Posted February 23, 2008 now while i agree with you. The ones who don't get caught are pretty smart. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
thejackal 46 Report post Posted February 23, 2008 now while i agree with you. The ones who don't get caught are pretty smart.is it a crime if you don't get caught? (of course it is) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
juiced 0 Report post Posted February 24, 2008 i can't find it but i saw a video of a criminal who went into a convenience store to rob it but he put his gun down on the counter and the clerk just picked it up and pointed it at him. he bolted. hilarious. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
usahockey22 0 Report post Posted February 24, 2008 Old, but good:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z6bL7v5hMQ8 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Archangel#16 1 Report post Posted February 24, 2008 I remember this one story.A guy walks into a gun store and proceeds to hold the place up. He made a couple of mistakes like...Walking past the police cars that are parked RIGHT IN FRONT of the store.So when he walks in there, the police are in the store and he decides to rob the place anyways. This is also a state where people are allowed to carry concealed weapons. So when he pulled out his gun and held the place up, about 20 guns were on him. He got shot and died, but was later given a Darwin award Honorary mention. Some people are just clueless Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
willy0314 0 Report post Posted February 24, 2008 I worked at Kmart when I was in Highschool. One day some guy came in, loaded a huge tv onto a cart and just walked out the front door with it. Being that the store didn't have a loss prevention agent, all you could legally do was call the police.So this retired army guy is watching the whole thing-walks out to the parking lot, litterally pulls the TV theif out the window of his car dukes of hazzard style, cracks him in the face, then brings the guys car keys and the TV back into the store.... true story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
usahockey22 0 Report post Posted February 24, 2008 I worked at Kmart when I was in Highschool. One day some guy came in, loaded a huge tv onto a cart and just walked out the front door with it. Being that the store didn't have a loss prevention agent, all you could legally do was call the police.Yea...in HS I worked at a Staples store, and we had basically the same policy. If we suspected someone of stealing, we were supposed to notify a manager, who would of course do nothing. Accusing someone of small-time shoplifting and holding them for the cops is too risky with all the liability of lawsuits for false imprisonment and other various charges you can get if you are wrong. Of course we did have the guys who were obviously shoplifters...would come in, grab something like a computer hard drive, and then just book it out the front door. For them, our fat manager would sometimes run the guy down in the parking lot, of course not catching him.Probably the majority of the shrink at that place came from employees though...such as 2000 dollar laptops just disappearing (and only employees really had access to those), or even this employee who just had his friends come in, grab a massaging chair from the back of the store, and wheel it right up front and out the door into the trunk of their car. Come to think of it, the criminals who came to staples were pretty smart, because they must have done their homework to figure out that our security was nonexistent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TBLfan 25 Report post Posted February 24, 2008 When I worked at Sports Authority the only cameras were at customer service, recieving, the cash office and front door. All they were there for was to catch employees. There would be lost prevention guys that came in occasionally but for the most part it was to keep the employees in check, had to use specific cutting devices, had to lock and chain latters, always use a harness on the cage(forklift) and had to be certified to use the forklift or WAVE.In nearly a year working there, I saw one time that LP chased a criminal. Two employees got fired and one was arrested for stealing. Also, an emplyoee caught a shoplifter that was cracked out or something... Soo glad I dont work there anymore.BTW, it should be mentioned that the ghetto store has a lot of cameras and has a security guy on staff. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
juiced 0 Report post Posted February 24, 2008 Being that the store didn't have a loss prevention agent, all you could legally do was call the police.my buddy worked at future shop. when the ps3 just came out there used to be a stack of them right near the door and people would just run and, grab a box and book it. legally they couldn't do anything so they moved them to the back of the store. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rustpot 1 Report post Posted February 25, 2008 Being that the store didn't have a loss prevention agent, all you could legally do was call the police.my buddy worked at future shop. when the ps3 just came out there used to be a stack of them right near the door and people would just run and, grab a box and book it. legally they couldn't do anything so they moved them to the back of the store.I almost wish I didn't have morals. This Xbox (non-360) is getting kinda boring...At the last on-campus event my friend's organization had their cash box stolen (all-night+all-campus+lots of booze=lots of crazy people). They had an envelope on their door in the union the next morning with a note that said "sorry for taking it, didn't know it was charity money, dumped the box"Classy guys, eh? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites