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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is my alcohol being watered down?

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So i've been suspecting my bro of stealing my alcohol because the amount is never how i left it and obviously he's not going to just steal a shot of it so i think he may be watering it down. Is there someway that i can check if he is? It seems a bit more liquidy but maybe that's just my imagination.

hide your alchohol better dummy.

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You can't tell if rum's been watered down? Maybe I'm just an alcoholic.


no i think that it tastes watered down but i don't know if it's just my imagination or not. i don't know if he would be that much of an idiot to replace what he took with water.

only an idiot if he replaced what he took with more rum! :)

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Unless he's got taste. I can't stand anything made with floor shelf, I've sent drinks back at the bar when they use the cheap shit in a mixed drink.

He might be taking the good stuff and filling it back with $6 gallon rum.

Send the bottle to me, I'll be able to tell you ;)

The freezer method will test for water or other non-alcohol additives. Either that or take 3 shots and see if it gives you the familiar feel (or 1 or 5 or however many you need)

Make a small mark on the label that shows the level that isn't noticeable, do the same to the cap. If either is off, something's up,

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I would go with putting the cap on and seeing where it is lined up, if he notices the mark he can just fill it up to there with water or what ever he is using

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I'm talking like a faint pencil mark on the back label. It will get to a point where he needs the whole bottle since there would only be a tiny bit of booze mixed into the half-bottle of rum.

Pour a shot into a glass, pour in juice, don't mix. The water should rise to the top and it will taste like a glass of juice you let an ice cube melt in.

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There's something about shaking the bottle and studying the bubbles.

The higher the alcohol content the fewer the bubbles and vise versa.

I don't think it would be at all effective if it's only moderately watered down though.

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use gunpowder and fire. its called proofing. its how they did it in the old days to see if they're being swindled.

ha... just kidding.

I'd buy a hydrometer for 10 bucks and take gravity readings. if they change, someones been diluting it.

The most effective solution would be to simply finish your alcohol.

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Another thought take the majority of your rum out of the bottle and then fill the rest up with vinger. He will learn a valuable lesson or proves that he isnt doing it.

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Go to your local homebrew supply shop. Buy a hydrometer for about $6-$8. All you do is put it into your rum, and take a reading. It measures the gravity of alcohol relative to water.

Then do the same with a new bottle of the same stuff. If its watered down, you will get 2 different readings.

That way you have scientific proof to confront whoever with.

Also, if it's an ongoing thing you suspect, then a $6 investment in a hydrometer is going to save you in the long run

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Another thought take the majority of your rum out of the bottle and then fill the rest up with vinger. He will learn a valuable lesson or proves that he isnt doing it.

Smells too much, rubbing alcohol.

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