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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TPS Adrenaline or R6

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I am between a Adrenaline Control whip retail and a R6 whip pro...what would you take...anyone played both?

Yes I did the search...but found not a concrete answer.

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I had an adrenaline but it broke and they replaced it with an R6.

I found the R6 blade heavier as well as subject to more vibration. However, the two adrenalines both broke within 90 days of use (one within 20, the other after roughly 4 months) and I am not quite as hard on sticks as I used to be.

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Thought the adrenalines would be more durable...i saw a couple of those R6s coming back with exploded blades (on the sole)...or could this just be with the pro-stocks? I heard here, the adrenalines would be so blade heavy and unbalanced, I tried them both and can't really decide, seem both on par to me...grrrrrrrr...

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I get good life out of my adrenalines. I would probably go with them....and aferall, if you dont like the blade, you can always heat and pull, thats what I do.


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generally i thought the adrenaline was a good stick. what makes it a little bit blade heavy is the vibration dampener plug they put near the hosel. Can't really go wrong either way though, its not like we're talking serious durability issues like with the response armors.

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Isn't the R6 fused as well...or the R8? BTW is there a quality difference between the R6 and R8 like with Response+ (C9) and Adrenaline (C12/C)?

And another question, I already asked earlier (...got no answer), but comes up right now for me again...how differs the flex when cutting a stick (here R6) or cutting a wood-plug (here c12)...isn't flex only measured on the composite part...so 1 inch of a plug is different to 1 inch off the stick...

sorry for overposting it...

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I own both, the Adrenaline hands down. It has much better puck feel and IMO, shoots a little better too. It will take some getting used to, primarily because of the shaft shape and you will need to play with it in a game or two, but I bet you'll eventually love it.

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generally i thought the adrenaline was a good stick. what makes it a little bit blade heavy is the vibration dampener plug they put near the hosel. Can't really go wrong either way though, its not like we're talking serious durability issues like with the response armors.

Wrong. I dont know where you guys get that its near the hosel....its in the last quarter of the shaft, and it hardly weighs anything. I will say that I thought the R8 had better kick than the adrenaline, but I cant comment on the r6.


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Stopped in at my old shop tonight and they're sending all of their R6s back to TPS.

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jepp as I said...saw this before too..

Cadd got an answer to my wood-plug question, please...?

Not enough difference to worry about. The acceptible margin for error in manufacturing is going to be bigger than any difference between cutting a plug and cutting a stick.

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