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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook

Who else digs the 28 movies?

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Caught 28 Weeks Later on Demand last night and loved it. I actually liked it better than Days because it was all action, no second half drama breakdown. Very cool movie and some nice jump moments. Hot chicks, too. Love the soundtrack as well.


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agreed. 28 days later was like one long, crappy pepsi commercial. The cinamatography = awesome but the overall movie just wasn't good. It definitely could have been better.

Plus, we figured out that it was more like 59 days later moreso than 28. :P

Actually, watching the movie in the theater was pretty fun. EVERYONE watching the movie was making fun of how crappy it was 1/4 into it. It was pretty funny, kept me from walking out.

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Weeks corrects where Days' wheels fell off.

Also, I watched Resident Evil III tonight and it's pretty entertaining, way better than II. Hell, I could watch Milla Jovavich and Ali Larter make a bunt cake and I'd be happy.

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I personally liked 28 Days/Weeks... but I'm a fan of all things zombie-related.

I haven't treaded toward the R.E. movies though... I've been very skeptic. I almost bought 1 & 2 on a single dvd for $9.99.

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I agree, I liked both but 28 Weeks definitely improved on 28 days.

Question is, is there any room for a 3rd one and would 28 Months later be appropriate?

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enjoyed days > weeks by far. hated weeks actually. Loved days.

But then again I'm a Danny Boyle fanboyle. (no, not the hockey player :P)

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I think the creepiest part of Days is waking up, naked, in a hospital....

and humanity seems to be gone, making you alone and unaware.

Both great flix IMO!

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Well, I'm completing my horror weekend and ordering Zombie's "Halloween" remake. I'm setting the bar low enough for a midget to limbo through, as I've been fairly unimpressed with House of a Thousand Corpses (which I actually turned off halfway through and delivered back to Netflix by hand) and Devil's Rejects (great soundtrack, but so-so flick).


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The re-make is absolutely horrible. Zombie's a hack and lucked out somehow by making Devil's Rejects somewhat good, but Halloween is just complete crap. The best part about it is how it shows that Zombie's a hypocrite for doing a re-make.

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The re-make is absolutely horrible. Zombie's a hack and lucked out somehow by making Devil's Rejects somewhat good, but Halloween is just complete crap. The best part about it is how it shows that Zombie's a hypocrite for doing a re-make.

Just finished watching it. It's not that bad. It wasn't great, and of course doesn't hold a jack o'lantern candle to the OG, but it was a decent addition to the entire series. It was more like an action flick, but overall it was awite.

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I was iffy on 28 Days Later. The whole part where they are in the military base up until the end was boring to me.

28 Weeks Later, on the other hand...I saw it in theaters, didn't have high expectations for it, but I loved it. I might have found it to be more interesting because you could see the effects the infection had on an entire city. 28 Days Later was less intense because it was just a small group of people you were seeing effected.

The scene in 28 Weeks Later when the husband kisses his wife who is a carrier, becomes infected, then proceeds to bite/beat/gouge her eyes out was quite possibly the grossest murder scene I've ever seen in a movie.

The soundtrack in 28 Weeks Later really stood out to me as well. It sounded so epic in the theaters, I immediately started searching for it after that. Reminded me a bit of Godspeed You! Black Emperor. Great soundtrack.

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I was iffy on 28 Days Later. The whole part where they are in the military base up until the end was boring to me.

28 Weeks Later, on the other hand...I saw it in theaters, didn't have high expectations for it, but I loved it. I might have found it to be more interesting because you could see the effects the infection had on an entire city. 28 Days Later was less intense because it was just a small group of people you were seeing effected.

The scene in 28 Weeks Later when the husband kisses his wife who is a carrier, becomes infected, then proceeds to bite/beat/gouge her eyes out was quite possibly the grossest murder scene I've ever seen in a movie.

The soundtrack in 28 Weeks Later really stood out to me as well. It sounded so epic in the theaters, I immediately started searching for it after that. Reminded me a bit of Godspeed You! Black Emperor. Great soundtrack.

Yes, the 28 theme is audio sex to me. I guess it's on iTunes, and it's by soundtrack master John Murphy. I bump this every now and again:


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Well, I'm completing my horror weekend and ordering Zombie's "Halloween" remake. I'm setting the bar low enough for a midget to limbo through, as I've been fairly unimpressed with House of a Thousand Corpses (which I actually turned off halfway through and delivered back to Netflix by hand) and Devil's Rejects (great soundtrack, but so-so flick).


Devil's Rejects was an awesome movie. But House of a thousand corpses was so shitty

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I found World War Z to be pretty boring. I even picked up the audiobook on iTunes because of all the great cameo readings... I still wasn't very interested. The Survival Guide was amazing, but obviously a movie adaptation would be lame.

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I can't wait for World War Z.

they're making a movie out of that?!? thats good news, my freshman year final english project was making a movie of this... granted it was horrible

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I might have to watch 28 weeks. Like I said 28 days later suck(to me) but I loved the cinamatography, very well done. The details of the story and drawn-out-ness of the movie killed it. It was close to being good(for the genre) but at the same time it made me want to jam a fork in my eye, just to pass the time.

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