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Doctor Hook

Who else digs the 28 movies?

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I might have to watch 28 weeks. Like I said 28 days later suck(to me) but I loved the cinamatography, very well done. The details of the story and drawn-out-ness of the movie killed it. It was close to being good(for the genre) but at the same time it made me want to jam a fork in my eye, just to pass the time.

Give Weeks a try. Sometimes I walk away from a zombie flick wanting for more zombie (and exploding head shots) but this film satisfied those needs. Very cool cinematography and those classic "pan out to reveal a crapload of zombies chasing" shots as well.

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28 days later is one of my favourite movies of all time. Not because i found it scary (which I didn't), but because the whole thing was put together so well. The cinematography is amazing, I love the way the 'near' end of time is depicted. The coolest part of the movie to me was when cilian murphy is lying on the ground and he sees a plane in the sky, for some reason I thought that was badass. Plus, the soundtrack was awesome. Danny Boyle is great. Anybody seen Sunshine? I just watched it the other day and I'm still struggling to decide what to think of it...

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Like I said 28 days later suck(to me) but I loved the cinamatography, very well done.

Danny Boyle. -- Watch Sunshine. I Strongly strongly suggest this. :angry:

Movie also has a badass soundtrack, and has scary beyond 'shock scare'. More so fear of the unknown, quiet scary some would say. One of my favorites of the year, and I'm really, really harsh on movies. But again, again, I'm bias to anything this guy does. But I also think 28 weeks later would have been 10x better if he was directing it, instead of just producing. Good thing he is back to directing for 28 months.

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I'm definitely goin to catch 28 weeks and I'll check out sunshine.

I just hope that the story line is better than 28 days later. I mean the plot was decent and the cinematography is great but man, did they screw that one up. Normally, it's a good thing having two of three but for some reason the movie lost me.

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Like TBL, I absolutely HATED 28 days later. Enough to make me not even consider seeing weeks. Either I missed something, or I was too young to "get it" since I saw it in theaters (must have been like 13 or 14?) I, too, remember laughing and making fun of it the whole time.

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I think that if you were laughing at 28 days later you missed something. If you didn't like it that's ok, but I don't think it s a laughable movie. People who were wanted it to be like the ring, the grudge or other over the top trying to scare you movies like that would have been dissapointed. I think the movies primary goal wasn't to scare the audience with visual effects but to scare them with the idea of being alone with the end of humanity hangign over your head.

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It wasnt the plot itself that was funny, I know that everyone iin the theater was making fun of things that were going on. You can make jokes about pretty much any movie.

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I personally love pretty much anything by Alex Garland, from his books (The Beach, The Tesseract, The Coma) to his screenplays (28 Days Later, Sunshine) but a lot of people seem to be put off by him. I'm also a big Danny Boyle fan (Trainspotting, A Life Less Ordinary, 28 Days, Sunshine, the film version of The Beach and 28 Weeks were alright) so it's pretty much always gotten me excited to see them work together as often as they do. Most of the people who say Sunshine or 28 Days had great cinematography but a crappy narrative enjoy Boyle's work but can't stand Garland.

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The British culture intrigues me and I get a kick out of seeing them chased by zombies/infected.

Who else has love for "Shaun of the Dead"?

it's great.

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I thought it'd have zombie inflections (it has nothing to do with zombies) but Doomsday is a great popcorn movie. Ungoddamnreal.

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