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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Other sports?

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Just wondering what other sports you guys play.

Obviously, hockey is always my first priority. After that I spend my down-time working out (which I suppose could be paired with hockey) playing baseball (competitive), tennis (competitive), golf (mostly recreational, sometimes enter tournaments), basketball (again, usually recreational, a few tournaments with my buddies). I try to keep myself busy; when I get bored I get in trouble.

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Golf. I used to play baseball and basketball, but quit because I wasn't very good. I might start playing basketball again, my new neighbors always ask me to play. I also play the occasional round of frisbee golf, but I don't consider it a sport.

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I've been playing beach volleyball this summer and it's been fun. I played Ultimate (Frisbee) 2 summers ago and that was cool...I'm also playing summer hockey.

I've been hitting the driving range this summer and played my first 2 actual rounds of golf this year...I suck!

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LOL...I'm resigned to the fact that I'll never win.

I used to play football (not the american kind) as well as baseball. However, due to injuries, looking for jobs, losing to krisr4tin and dealing with you rotten children over on MSH, I just have time for hockey :)

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ANYWAY...Wallyball is like volleyball but it's played in a racquetball court. You can get a list of the rules at wallyball.com. It's super fun and I'd recommend it to everyone.

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I gave up most of my hobbies because my wife is a pain in the ass. She doesn't have hobbies and evidently I'm not permittted to have them either. I do manage to sneak out and play a few rounds of golf every month.

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I used to play Baseball, Soccer and this past year I played Ultimate Frisbee for my school. Now it's just in-line hockey, working out and a little bit of running. I'll occasionally go and horse around with my friends playing various sports for whatever were doing that day.

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I remember some place back home and I swear it was called Wallyball. Or Whirlyball. You were in bumper cars and had little plastic jai-alai things and had to flick whiffle balls into basketball hoops. It was like every sport/activity that I sucked at mated and produced that bastard game.

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