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Off-foot shot

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I have no issue shooting off either foot. They both have advantages, right foot(RH shot) is more natural, the left foot seems more accurate. Right foot, can lean into the shot more, left foot seems to get more hip rotation.

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I shoot left. If I am taking a wrist shot or snap shot, I always shoot off my left foot. That is the only way to use your core to power the shot. I never actually considered it my "off foot". All my weight is on my right foot when I take a slapshot. Am I misunderstanding you guys? You take wrist shots with all your weight on your left foot when you are a RH shot?

Yeah I was under the influence that off-foot was your opposite side. RH shoots while on Left Foot. I shoot like this all the time, it's the only natural way I take snap shots. It definitely is best to shoot on right foot, right handed and using your core to help(as stated above).

Man this whole time I was thinking you guys were talking about the other foot.

I agree. I don't consider this "off foot" shooting. It is the only way I shoot, unless of course I am in a situation where I need to get one off quick and no room. If you are a LH shot and you have your weight on your right foot when shooting a wrister, wow, how awkward.

Some of you guys are talking like it is some fancy move only pro players do. I feel like i'm taking crazy pills. I actually had to go take a wrist shot in the back to see if I was going crazy. Nope. I shoot left......all the weight on the left leg. No transfer. I could glide 4 miles on my left leg and still get my shot off.

Next time, we'll learn what foot to plant for a slapshot.

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Try the other foot, you can still get a lot on it and I find it very accurate. It feels pretty awkward though.

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Fuck - I have a sick picture of this, but my scanner has taken a shit. Taken from a 2-1, streaking with the puck down the right side (I'm RH); the photographer took the picture right as I was taking the shot, so you can see how far over the stick I am (and the resulting whip in the shaft). I ended-up burning the shot through low off the near post and in (tendy was cheating a bit), in case you were wondering...lol.

I do, however, have this picture of me loading-up for a half-assed (wrong-footed) snapper during a trip to the HHoF when my girlfriend's family came-up to visit me for a day while I was at camp for a team in the OP(this was actually taken just a few days before "the injury"). The stick was a little long for me, so I look a bit awkward - I usually like my bottom hand a little...er, a lot...lower - but I sniped the shit out of Eddie the Eagle (well, at least his video likeness), so I must be doing something right, eh? ;)


Funny (pathetic) story: see some of the little kids waiting in line behind the glass? Sad as it sounds, I ended-up signing some autographs for them once I finished - a few kids had me sign their HHoF booklets...but I remember one kid lost his, so he had me sign his forehead. Apparently a few of them were "oohing" and "ahing" while I was shooting, and one of them asked my girlfriend and her mother who I was play for. My girlfriend didn't remember any of the teams I was looking at/being looked at by, but her mother remembered that I had said that I was going to be trying-out with St. Michael's (the Buzzers, Junior A; not Majors, OHL), so she threw "St. Mike's" out there. My girlfriend told me about it later, and I've since come to the conclusion that the kids heard "St. Mike's" and immediately assumed that she meant the Major Junior team...so I'm a little bummed that I was sort of mis-represented.

At least I was kind of a big deal for a little while though, right? :rolleyes:

ANYWAYS, I feel like shooting off the wrong foot lets me "snap" my upper body a bit more than I can when I shoot "properly." Since my shot isn't overwhelmingly hard shot, that "snap" through my shoulders and arms usually disguises the release enough to keep the goalie guessing for an extra millisecond or so...which is all you really need.

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95% of my forehand shots are off of the "off foot" or "true" foot. True meaning right handed shot shooting off of the right leg. At least that's how they explained it on think hockey.

I get a quicker release. I don't have a rocket, so every bit helps. I can also really lean into the shot better. It's also my better shot when I'm moving. The only time I shoot off of my left foot is on the slapper or sometimes when I cut to the middle.

I also pass off of the off foot as well.

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I always shoot on my off foot on wrist shots, I never thought of it as my off foot though, I have always shot like that.

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been doing it for a while

if I stay flat on my feet and try and shoot it feels un-natural or even switch feet it's weird.

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I always shoot on my off foot. There's something with my left leg (i'm a rh shot) that just feels screwed up. I've tried over and over again to train myself around this but at the end of the day it just doesn't feel right.

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It all comes down to weight transfer, as someone mentioned above.

If you're skating so that you're perpendicular to the goal (rh shot, looking over your left shoulder towards the goal) then you're going to transfer your weight from the back foot to the front (right foot to left) as you shoot. But if you're skating towards the goal, facing directly at it, you don't transfer the weight across your body - it's more from behind you to in front (heel to toe). Look at those pics of Kane and Iginla up above - you end up leaning forward from the weight shift, which is where the kick with the back foot comes from.

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Any shot I take quickly is off my "off" foot, all other shots where I have time and I am not moving too much would be on my "right" foot.

(I shoot RH, so most of my shots are taken with my weight on my right foot)

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Here's a clip of someone (RH) who most of the time finishes with weight transfer to the left foot, even with wrist shots.

Even Sakic, master of off-foot snap shots, sometimes shoots with transfer from back to front. link

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