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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Special blade to cut carbon shafts

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What saw or blade have folks been using to cut carbon hockey shafts? In bicycle components we use a regullar heck saw with a special clamp to make sure the cut us 100% straight.

Any similar jigs for hockey shafts?

Need to cut CCM Vector Grip.


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What saw or blade have folks been using to cut carbon hockey shafts? In bicycle components we use a regullar heck saw with a special clamp to make sure the cut us 100% straight.

Any similar jigs for hockey shafts?

Need to cut CCM Vector Grip.


A fellow cyclist eh? Former mountainbike pro for 4 years here before explosive knee surgery. ;) Oops.

But yes....the same hack saw to cut threadless steer tubes can be used on CF sticks. Higher TPI blades work better and with minnimal pressure on the stick to avoid splintering/fraying.

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Thanks Chadd. I should have thought about the graphite shafts. Dah one on me.

Guess I need to eat nore wheaties, as I sport a set of Big Bertha's myslef. My driver is an ERC2 and had to be cut 3cm. Memory must be the first to go.

Off to the GolfSmith.

What were we talking about again? :blink:

Sorry to hear about the knee surgery, hope it was a doctor and not your knee that exploded.

I used to ride road for 3K+ miles a year. Not anymore, with a new kid.

Now I am lucky I get to play pickup with local college kids oce a week. Thank God old Urzinov fundamentals still work. I swear, some of these kids can't remember if it is their legs or their head that grows out of their ass.

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Thanks Chadd. I should have thought about the graphite shafts. Dah one on me.

Guess I need to eat nore wheaties, as I sport a set of Big Bertha's myslef. My driver is an ERC2 and had to be cut 3cm. Memory must be the first to go.

Off to the GolfSmith.

What were we talking about again? :blink:

It's all about using the best tool for the job. The fact that it's faster, more accurate and requires less effort trumps the "wrong sport" aspect. Just for the record, don't ever cut a wood stick or plug with one of those blades. It all but kills the blade.

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Thanks Chadd. I should have thought about the graphite shafts. Dah one on me.

Guess I need to eat nore wheaties, as I sport a set of Big Bertha's myslef. My driver is an ERC2 and had to be cut 3cm. Memory must be the first to go.

Off to the GolfSmith.

What were we talking about again? :blink:

Sorry to hear about the knee surgery, hope it was a doctor and not your knee that exploded.

I used to ride road for 3K+ miles a year. Not anymore, with a new kid.

Now I am lucky I get to play pickup with local college kids oce a week. Thank God old Urzinov fundamentals still work. I swear, some of these kids can't remember if it is their legs or their head that grows out of their ass.

Comedic take on that....I like it... ;) But unfortuantely it was the knee and not the surgeon. He did a good job, but I did a worse job to it initially. B)

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I was too a bike mechanic for 3 years and those steertube cutters work wonders. I've just used a hack for years but ive also used cut off wheels on either a dremel or die grinder and just file if its not perfectly straight

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Thanks Chadd. I should have thought about the graphite shafts. Dah one on me.

Guess I need to eat nore wheaties, as I sport a set of Big Bertha's myslef. My driver is an ERC2 and had to be cut 3cm. Memory must be the first to go.

Off to the GolfSmith.

What were we talking about again? :blink:

It's all about using the best tool for the job. The fact that it's faster, more accurate and requires less effort trumps the "wrong sport" aspect. Just for the record, don't ever cut a wood stick or plug with one of those blades. It all but kills the blade.

And it smokes like crazy. Drop saws are without a doubt the best way to go.

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Once bought an OPS the week I moved. I had a late game, and everything was in boxes, some in the new garage and most in storage. I found a bread knife. It took a while, but ended up being a pretty clean cut. I wouldn't recommend it though.

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