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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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6 lie forsberg?

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Hi, sorry for another curve question... I love the forsberg curve, but I have problems with passes going between the blade and my feet. I'm assuming this means I need to try a higher lie?? (most of my tape wear is on the toe)

I'm not too picky about my curve shape, as long as the toe is not open. I know the ccm thornton is closed toe, 6 lie... do you think this would help me out?

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how about playing hockey with guys that dont put the puck in your feet??? some passes are more sinister than you think!

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Check out a CCM Steen, it should be somewhat higher.

what about a recchi? my rink has some recchis on the cheap, curve looks fine to me, i know it's listed as a 5 lie, but will it play higher?

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If you get the Warrior Fedorov, get a 5 lie. Warrior lie's are usually listed approximately one lower than what they really are.

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try a richard matvichuk pro stock. they are still around someone on here was selling one recently may still be for sale. same as modano prostock but higher lie. basically it is a retail modano with higher lie, square toe and thinner blade.

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