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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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My guess would be since it says SAK, that it would be Sherwood's equivalent to a Sakic curve.

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My guess would be since it says SAK, that it would be Sherwood's equivalent to a Sakic curve.

PP6087 is their Crosby after the man jumped ship and went to RBK they couldn't use the name.

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My guess would be since it says SAK, that it would be Sherwood's equivalent to a Sakic curve.

PP6087 is their Crosby after the man jumped ship and went to RBK they couldn't use the name.

arent they still technically allowed seeing as he uses SWD blades?

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My guess would be since it says SAK, that it would be Sherwood's equivalent to a Sakic curve.

PP6087 is their Crosby after the man jumped ship and went to RBK they couldn't use the name.

arent they still technically allowed seeing as he uses SWD blades?

As long as he's cashing checks from RBK, no other company is going to be able to use his name.

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Used the Spezza curve a long time ago and loved it. I've never been able to find it locally since.

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Guys-- I can tell you that most dealers don't know anything about SWD RM-9's. It's the best price point stick on the market. Great balance, good feel with a grip shaft. You just have to ask the dealer to order one for you. I'm in the Toronto area. I can tell you that there are lots of dealers with RM-9's b/c the stick has a pretty good following at the university level. Majer, THR, Just Hockey and Pro Hockey all have them. Can order from Majer Hockey on-line, I think.

Hope that helps.

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