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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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NHL 08 Playoff Simulation

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Montreal v Philly looks like it will go 7, and it sadly doesn't look like Colorado will win 3 games but they've been pretty accurate so far.

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Those things aren't accurate.

But, Maggie is.

JR, do you have a Canadian cable package? I know they get CBC near the border, but now you're branching into Canadian specialty sports channels - if you have TSN, I demand ESPN.

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Yeah I heard about this before the playoffs started, was this the EA sports prediciton? If not they both have the same finals matchup...I'll take that prediction anyday, once you get to the finals it's anyones game.

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Those things aren't accurate.

But, Maggie is.

JR, do you have a Canadian cable package? I know they get CBC near the border, but now you're branching into Canadian specialty sports channels - if you have TSN, I demand ESPN.

Maggie the Monkey clips were on TSN.ca. I agreed with her 2nd round picks and from what I hear she was spot on for first round.

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Marleau doesn't deserve to be sitting next to the cup after pulling a flamingo on Friday. :P

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Flamingo entails being on one foot, from what I saw, he jumped to no footing. Trade that guy.


Does not Marleau have a no trade clause kicking in soon?

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I dont know the details on his contract, but they should get what they can for him while they can get more than a puck boy and bottle bunny.


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Flamingo entails being on one foot, from what I saw, he jumped to no footing. Trade that guy.


Does not Marleau have a no trade clause kicking in soon?

It goes into effect in July. He needs to go.

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