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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Grand Theft Auto 4

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  Rustpot said:


I'm getting to the bitter end right now, got 3 save slots going for the final choices and I'm going to replay making the alternates.

I spared Darko - does this have any impact?

I chose the money the first time around and Roman got killed, crashed Jacob's attack chopper chasing Dmitry so I've yet to finish the game. So close!

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No impact on the game but you missed the coolest execution EVER.

  Fire0nIce228 said:

I just got to the old hospital mission. holy balls, those NOOSE guys killed me in about 4 seconds.

I decided to try to sprint towards the exit as fast as possible so they couldnt get me trapped or bogged down inside the building and I rounded a corner and BAM through my full armor and health in no time flat.

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Nah, you have to work your way out how you got in. I ran once I was at the end.

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When you spare people they appear after you beat the game (or maybe even before that) and give you missions, usually. (This is part of the game completion called "strangers met," there should be 20 in all) I believe that if you do not spare all the people when you get a choice, you will not be able to complete the game to 100%.

P.S. I am now addicted to Call of Duty 4 which has quite a bit better multiplayer action. If you are on the PS3, add my handle "walkofshame" for some kick ass mp action in GTA or CoD

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IMO thats kinda dumb that they let you make a decision but then it hinders getting 100% completion. I'm all for a dynamic storyline based on players decisions but...

At any rate I'll probably kill them all because Niko is a BAMF.

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Think the last mission I did was rigging a bomb on a car for Gerry on some Albanians car. The last few hours of play I've been being harrassed with phonecalls while taking people I don't like bowling and getting my friendship rank lowerd because people can't seem to share me.

Done the dirty with all the girls except Kate, heard she doesn't give out and quiet frankly I'm glad, although it's just a game I believe I still hold the right to have standards.

Anyone else think Dwanye it a needy blood sucking parasite? Not once has he paid for a taxi or bowling etc. I get calls at all times of the day when I'm clearly busy and he gives me grief. I half expect to answer the phone and hear "bitty!" :P

Deep breathes! Its just a game...

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Dwayne called me and asked if i called him a minute ago while he was in the shower. I then call him back to see if he wants to go bowling and he says "you woke me up" and lowers my rating with him. This game makes no sense sometimes haha

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Too much time is wasted taking all your friends out..honestly the only one i care about at this point is little jacob so i can get the hookup on the arsenal. i'll probobly try to keep in good with Brucie too so I can fly around.

I dont care about Romans taxis, money has no value in the game so i'll just hail one and pay for it all the time.

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Taxi's are another thing i can't figure out. I flag one down with LB and when the tooltip says "hit Y to enter" i do. Instead of getting in a passenger seat Niko just hijacks the dang thing.

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You have to HOLD Y, it says it every time.

Now to stiff them, you can chill out for the whole ride and when you get close to where you want to be shoot out the window. He'll stop and not charge you. Or you can skip ride, jump out, jack it, get out, and beat down the driver and get your $ back.

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  willsnipe said:

How much extra is it to "skip" the ride? Ive never done both to work out the difference.

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Skip the ride can sometimes be like 80 or 90 bucks if it's long...I'd say it's probably at least 5x what a regular ride would cost you. Then again I always just get out and gank the SOB and take my money back, but that's just me.

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"Friends" are one of the worst additions to GTA ever, we didn't buy GTA so we can play The Sims. That said, you don't really need to keep up with your friends, I didn't. You can just go into options on your cell phone and hold calls, though you may want to turn it on to get new missions, since they sometimes come via cell phone.

You will need to do stuff with your friends, like beat them once at each sporting activity, to get 100% completion, though you don't have to do that right away. I did hardly anything with friends throughout the story line, and they all pretty much hate me, but that doesn't alter the game any.

I am to believe that I am a criminal who trusts no one and doesn't care about anything except money, but for some reason I need to keep in touch with these "friends"? I don't buy it!

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It took me the second try to beat the bank robbing mission. It is definatley a hard mission but I used plenty of grenades. When the cops come down in into the subway but they're on the other side of the tracks just lob a few grenades over to their side.. The game says packie is getting too far away but they stand and wait for you so you can hide behind pillars and get the cops one at a time. I also was throwing grenades behind me as I ran down the subway but IDK if it helped any or not. Definately a very cool, very fun mission. :)

Anything cool to look at on the third island?

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Um, you'll have a few missions out of Alderney - plus the Assassin side missions.

You'll have an Italian and Chinese restaurant and a strip club. Free helicopter right over the tunnel entrance.

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Anyone know if/when they're going to release any new missions? Any info pertaining to this would be great.

I literally havnt touched my game in over a month since I finished the main mission story line. I started to do the other stuff like the assasign missions and car stealing and those types of things but I just cant get into it. Put it in the ps3 maybe 5 times since beating the main mode.

Love the game though :)

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Yeah, I thought there was going to be a ton of d/l content. Not that the game was bad, but upgrades=cash in R-Star's pocket, even at like $5 a set.

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  Fire0nIce228 said:
Anyone know if/when they're going to release any new missions? Any info pertaining to this would be great.

I literally havnt touched my game in over a month since I finished the main mission story line. I started to do the other stuff like the assasign missions and car stealing and those types of things but I just cant get into it. Put it in the ps3 maybe 5 times since beating the main mode.

Love the game though :)

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I SOLD my 360 after beating the game. :unsure:

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Looks like new content is finally on its way.

"The Lost and Damned" trailer is on XBL for download. Doesn't follow Niko, but I'm excited for it, so long as it's not too expensive.

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  Rustpot said:
Looks like new content is finally on its way.

"The Lost and Damned" trailer is on XBL for download. Doesn't follow Niko, but I'm excited for it, so long as it's not too expensive.

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i read somewhere that it was free...not really sure how that works, i also don't believe it. I've never downloaded any additions to games before, how much do these things usually run?

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