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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Talk me out of this

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Once again I found something else to sink money into. Everytime I get interested in something I turn into a junkie. I was perfectly content with the guns I have. I shot them regularly. I love the .22 lr. Cheap to shoot and arent super expensive. Then Im at the range and a guy lets me shoot his AR and Ak. Im hooked. I do not need one, but now im looking at getting one or the other. I do this crap all the time. Just like hokey I dont need three pair of inlines, two pair of ice skates, A bundle of sticks. Two full sets of equipment, goalie gear, and three pair of gloves. My jeeps pimped out. My harley has also sorts of crap on it. I have a ton of vintage toys. Do I really need an assult rifle. Anyone else have this problem? And its not like I have alot of money to blow.

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"...do I really need an assault rifle...its not like I have a lot of money to blow."

That pretty much sums it up I'd guess. That seems a little much for shooting trap at the local range *L*

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Sounds like you ave an addictive personality. I understand because I have a tendency to go all-out in anything I do too. I've been getting out of some of my hobbies as I don't have time for all of them.

The one thing to keep in mind with the thought of upgrading to an AR or AK is the long term cost. You can get an AK knockoff for a lot less money up front but your biggest long-term expense is going to be ammo. I haven't checked prices in the last decade or so but ammo for the AR used to be a lot less expensive. You also have to be careful with a lot of the third world imported ammo the for AK as a lot of it tends to be corrosive, or at least it used to be.

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Which did you enjoy shooting more? Both rifles are a lot of fun. The AK type will be slightly less refined and less expensive, typically running around the $350 and up range for a basic Romanian one. They are simple rifles with few parts. Accurate enough for plinking. Ammo is running around 4 bucks for a box of 20 for surplus com block stuff. Most/all of the ammo you will find will be non-corrosive. My only complaint is that the stocks are too short- I need a longer LOP to shoot comfortably. Good news is that plenty of stock options are available.

An AR will run you around $700 and up. I highly recommend Stag Arms out of CT. Great product and customer service. You can save a substantial amount by building it yourself. It's not difficult and is a great way to learn about the rifle. You also save a bunch in taxes over buying a complete rifle (You can also just buy an upper and lower separately with the same effect). The beauty of the AR is that it is available in every caliber form .22 to .50. 5.56 ammo has gone through the roof the last year or so, and is also becoming difficult to find. Surplus ammo that was less than $140 per 1000 is now over $400. The good news is you can buy/build an AR in say, 9mm and plink with easy to find cheap ammo. Check out www.ar15.com - tons of info on both rifles, ammo and accessories. Also forums on your 10/22 and shotguns.

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Buy it, one or both. Persoanlly, Id go the AR route just because of the numerous platforms you can make. From a very accurate 20" barreled gun, to a 16" barreled carbine, to a 10" barreled registered SBR, to buying a registered drop in auto sear and having full auto fun.

Just be careful once you get to the NFA side, it's way more fun and addicting. But machine guns get expensive. :(

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ok real opinion.

No, I don't think you don't need an assault rifle. My view on gun ownership is pretty liberal. I don't see any reason why a civilian should have one. I am sure they are fun to shoot and all that, but it's completely unnecessary to own one.

Why not work on becoming a crack shot with a single shot rifle? Hone your skills at shooting, place your shots keep a scoring record. You don't need to fill the air with led, really what fun is that? I have never shot an assault rifle/machine gun/semi-auto, nor do i really want to.

If I ever get back into shooting, which i hope i do, i think i would go the opposite way of most and get into historic rifles.

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ok real opinion.

No, I don't think you don't need an assault rifle. My view on gun ownership is pretty liberal. I don't see any reason why a civilian should have one. I am sure they are fun to shoot and all that, but it's completely unnecessary to own one.

Why not work on becoming a crack shot with a single shot rifle? Hone your skills at shooting, place your shots keep a scoring record. You don't need to fill the air with led, really what fun is that? I have never shot an assault rifle/machine gun/semi-auto, nor do i really want to.

If I ever get back into shooting, which i hope i do, i think i would go the opposite way of most and get into historic rifles.

Way to decide what is appropriate for others on a topic you admittedly have no first hand experience with.

I shoot regularly with what you and the public refer to as "assault weapons”. I do not "fill the air with lead". The AR-15 family of rifles is one of the more accurate platforms going. There is a reason that it is used at Camp Perry and other precision shooting events.

Most shooting sports are a ton of fun, but you will never know that if you don’t participate in them. Don’t be so quick to judge.

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One of my goals is 3-gun matches. Competition based on your overall performance with a shotgun, semi-automatic rifle and pistol.

I will, however, second number21's sentiments on the subject. Unless you need/want one for a specific reason, there's really no reason for you to get one right now. Despite what all the gun nuts say, you will still be able to get yourself a gun in 5-10 years. The cost may be up or down who knows. But right now the cost for you is pretty darn high.

I'm sure you're going to shoot it often and ammo for any rifle is not cheap. I'm sure you're not going to buy one of the cheap ARs if you get those. AKs are reliable, but damned if people don't freak the hell out if you've got one.

Hold off on the choice. By the time you're ready piston-based AR variants may be readily available and cheap to the public!

I'm pretty much the same as you though. I don't have a lot of cash, but I'm collecting sticks, looking at cars, researching a pistol, a third shotgun, thinking about upgrading my computer, etc. The only thing is I don't really buy something until a bit of extra money comes in and I have a few limitations set on myself for spending.

Hockey is the only thing with an unlimited budget when it boils down to it. It's my only hobby that provides real excersise, so if spending an extra $40 on a new stick from a member here motivates my ass to get to open skate and drop-ins then hell yes I will spend it.

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ok real opinion.

No, I don't think you don't need an assault rifle. My view on gun ownership is pretty liberal. I don't see any reason why a civilian should have one. I am sure they are fun to shoot and all that, but it's completely unnecessary to own one.

Why not work on becoming a crack shot with a single shot rifle? Hone your skills at shooting, place your shots keep a scoring record. You don't need to fill the air with led, really what fun is that? I have never shot an assault rifle/machine gun/semi-auto, nor do i really want to.

If I ever get back into shooting, which i hope i do, i think i would go the opposite way of most and get into historic rifles.

No one needs a car that goes faster than 75mph, we dont need a lot of stuff availible to us. But we can.

I like my machine guns they're fun and unique.

And I can assure that my 5 rnd bolt action K98 has assaulted and more than likely killed way more people than any AR15 I own. And it didint even meet the Federal AWB guidelines. LOL

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I read an FBI report that said that more civilians get killed by .22 than any other. Food for thought.

I started this thread to see weather to get an ak or an AR. And to see if anyone else goes hogwild when they get into a hobby.

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I can feel your pain here as I have just today bought a new pistol to add to my collection. And on a complete whim too. Current collection includes:

Lazzaroni A-bolt .280 with Leupold 3x10

Remington 11-87 auto loader with 28" rib barrel, and a cantilever scope mount barell with Leupold 2x7 shotgun scope

Kimber 1911A stainless Target II w/ adjustable Tritium sights

Walked into Bass Pro Shops today here in Louisiana, was talking to the guys at the pistol section and ended up walking out of there with a new bi-tone (black body with stainless slider) Springfield Armory XD .40 S&W 4" with fixed Tritium sights. This is my first .40, and first non-full sized (5") barelled pistol.

I also have a problem. ;)

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I started this thread to see weather to get an ak or an AR. And to see if anyone else goes hogwild when they get into a hobby.

That's funny, I thought you started this so we could

Talk me out of this

And you're getting all bitchy when people are saying to not get either.

It's your money, go get some hookers and coke for all we care. Maybe therapy would suit you better though, as an investment.

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missed my point. It was headed toward the great gun debate(what should be legal and what shouldnt). Im not bitchen. I got some great feedback out of this. Therapy doesnt work... I know thats what I do for a Living.

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Therapy doesnt work... I know thats what I do for a Living.

If you take the word "therapist" and add a space, you get "the rapist" :D

As for firearms...

As a hobby, the gun range is an incredable place, lots of friends.

as a life-style, not so great.

If you want an opinion (gun haters bring it on, I don't care) get the SKS or a nice Desert Eagle.

All the nay-sayers need to understand that a hockey stick CAN be used as a weapon too. I think those folks are just jealous that my 7 year old son is a better shot (.22 OR bow) than they are.

Get the rifle that you like to shoot and enjoy it.

And remember, the Olympics host shooting events that don't involve death.

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I started this thread to see weather to get an ak or an AR. And to see if anyone else goes hogwild when they get into a hobby.

I decided to go the AR route and found a deal on some uppers and now I have 2 and am planning my next build...so I am just like you :)

I have an addictive hobby personality. I really get into whatever it is at the moment. I have about 3-4 hobbies I rotate between over the year(s). I sell the majority of the items and put that money into the next hobby, rinse, repeat.

Example of what I owned all at the same time:

2004 Yamaha R6 Race only bike

2004 Yamaha R6 street bike

2005 YZ250F (Motocross)

2002 Yamaha TTR125L (pit bike/ride around yard bike)

1999 PW50 (for the boys)


Own no motorcycles

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If you are looking for something to tinker with and modify/reconfigure/accessorize than definitely go with the AR. I still highly recommend building at least the lower yourself. You can do it without any special tools. Since I initially built mine I have changed the stock, grip and forened, added a vert grip and EO tech sight. I'm thinking about doing another build, but may just pick up another upper. With the AR, the possibilities are almost limitless. With the AK, other than a few tweaks, about all you can do is hang crap from Tapco off of it.

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dude i got the same personality.

i buy shit i dont need. like 2 years ago my brother got all into paintball with his friends. he buys a gun and plays on weekends. fine. then i go out and get a $200 gun some minor upgrades and a $200 fiberwraped N2 tank and have used it maybe 4 times. as far as real guns, im too young <_< but it sucks when you realize after you use something that you blew away money that you could have gotten something good with. and you cant return it because you used it

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ok real opinion.

No, I don't think you don't need an assault rifle. My view on gun ownership is pretty liberal. I don't see any reason why a civilian should have one. I am sure they are fun to shoot and all that, but it's completely unnecessary to own one.

Why not work on becoming a crack shot with a single shot rifle? Hone your skills at shooting, place your shots keep a scoring record. You don't need to fill the air with led, really what fun is that? I have never shot an assault rifle/machine gun/semi-auto, nor do i really want to.

If I ever get back into shooting, which i hope i do, i think i would go the opposite way of most and get into historic rifles.

Way to decide what is appropriate for others on a topic you admittedly have no first hand experience with.

I shoot regularly with what you and the public refer to as "assault weapons”. I do not "fill the air with lead". The AR-15 family of rifles is one of the more accurate platforms going. There is a reason that it is used at Camp Perry and other precision shooting events.

Most shooting sports are a ton of fun, but you will never know that if you don’t participate in them. Don’t be so quick to judge.

For the record, I wasn't judging anyone. I was giving my opinion. Sheesh!

I also have a question. Are the automatic friendly ranges? All the ranges I have ever been to have had limits on how many you can load (5 rounds is what I remember) and would ask you to wait 1 second between firing. Is that the norm?

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ok real opinion.

No, I don't think you don't need an assault rifle. My view on gun ownership is pretty liberal. I don't see any reason why a civilian should have one. I am sure they are fun to shoot and all that, but it's completely unnecessary to own one.

Why not work on becoming a crack shot with a single shot rifle? Hone your skills at shooting, place your shots keep a scoring record. You don't need to fill the air with led, really what fun is that? I have never shot an assault rifle/machine gun/semi-auto, nor do i really want to.

If I ever get back into shooting, which i hope i do, i think i would go the opposite way of most and get into historic rifles.

Way to decide what is appropriate for others on a topic you admittedly have no first hand experience with.

I shoot regularly with what you and the public refer to as "assault weapons”. I do not "fill the air with lead". The AR-15 family of rifles is one of the more accurate platforms going. There is a reason that it is used at Camp Perry and other precision shooting events.

Most shooting sports are a ton of fun, but you will never know that if you don’t participate in them. Don’t be so quick to judge.

For the record, I wasn't judging anyone. I was giving my opinion. Sheesh!

I also have a question. Are the automatic friendly ranges? All the ranges I have ever been to have had limits on how many you can load (5 rounds is what I remember) and would ask you to wait 1 second between firing. Is that the norm?

Different ranges have different rules.

One range I go to allows you to pretty much do whatever you want as long as your safe about it and no one gets hurt/killed.

Another range I go to is like a country club. 1 shot every so many seconds, no black powder, no FMJ, no machine guns, no silencers, no this and that etc.

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Like David said, it's mostly the "image" the range is going for. If they have shot restrictions and magazine limits, they're basically asking for nothing but target/hunting rifles to be fired, but can't outright ask that certain weapons not be brought.

You go to those ranges and you hear a shot every so often. You go to other ranges and people empty 30-round magazines hanfuls at a time, it just creates a bedlam feel. For wide open outdoor ranges those rules are sometimesretarded. I was on a restricted range, alone and fired 2 rounds in quick succession and the range master came out to warn me (the 1 and only warning). Only way he knew it wasn't a second gun was because I was alone.

Indoor ranges are a little different though. They may be trying cut back on noise so instructors can teach, not allow someone to fill the aisle with brass, catch unsafe practice before 20 rounds are fired, encourage aiming, etc

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Like David said, it's mostly the "image" the range is going for. If they have shot restrictions and magazine limits, they're basically asking for nothing but target/hunting rifles to be fired, but can't outright ask that certain weapons not be brought.

You go to those ranges and you hear a shot every so often. You go to other ranges and people empty 30-round magazines hanfuls at a time, it just creates a bedlam feel. For wide open outdoor ranges those rules are sometimesretarded. I was on a restricted range, alone and fired 2 rounds in quick succession and the range master came out to warn me (the 1 and only warning). Only way he knew it wasn't a second gun was because I was alone.

Indoor ranges are a little different though. They may be trying cut back on noise so instructors can teach, not allow someone to fill the aisle with brass, catch unsafe practice before 20 rounds are fired, encourage aiming, etc

I find this ironic as you're holding the gun :lol:

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