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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Art of the Hockey Beard

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Picture my girlfriend took of me a couple weeks into our playoff run this spring: I'm gonna have to say I fit under the "Carnie" :( (I grow my hair out during the season, too - got it cut the first day of camp and let 'er go the rest of the way). I think part of her was actually rooting against us a little bit by the end of our first round...she wanted the facial hair gone.

It only got worse from there...I'll see if I can get a picture or two scanned-up and loaded onto my computer so we can see it in action. As terrible as it looked off the ice, it actually looked decent when I was at the rink. It would have looked even better if ear guards weren't required and my hair was unleashed even more than it already was. Oh well.

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Which is exactly why it looked so scummy, lol. It definitely must have looked bizarre to anyone who saw me before/after a game - young kid walking around in a nice suit, a well-kept (not so much in that picture, but gimme a break, lol) mane on my head...and a scraggly-ass lookin' half-beard. It was awful. I think one of the reasons it looked better during games was all the water/sweat "matting" it down - making it look a little bit darker and denser.

Regardless...it's got nothing on that stuff that grows out of your face, that's for damn sure.

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Chalk me up for the "Amish" Mine came in WAY to full for the MSH skate 2 years ago to about 1.5" long. Nothing like fluffing it out to further emphasise it.

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Chalk me up for the "Amish" Mine came in WAY to full for the MSH skate 2 years ago to about 1.5" long. Nothing like fluffing it out to further emphasise it.

I kept my beard absolutely hideously long in highschool, this is the first year I've done the playoff beard, I think it's coming along nicely.


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