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Sherwood files for bankruptcy protection

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That's why about 4 yrs ago they were taking the "Louisville" name off the product.

Ahhhhh - I just assumed that was re-branding along the lines of 'RBK' and 'SWD'. Wasn't paying that much attention back then - although it does date my Bionic trapper rather painfully.

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I just got off the phone with my Sherwood rep. and he has been informed that all outstanding orders from Sherwood will be delivered as promised, as well as them continuing to produce SOP product as needed. Just like CCM in the past and other companies they have filed to protect from creditors and will sell the company off as has happened many times in the past with other industry players.

P.S. I am not holding my breathe currently ALOT of internal problems at Sherwood (obviously)

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Their loss is Montreal's gain.

Didn't montreal just go belly up a couple months ago?

Nope, still out there, just adjusting there product offerings. eg. will no longer be making the Nitro Pro stick going to concentrate on the Nitro Force (the one that the few in the NHL use anyway) and the goalies will be able to order the exact sticks that the pro's use eg. Toskala's model

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plus graf is Swiss! when was the last time a swiss company went bankrupt!?!!?! except UBS doesnt count, they were just in debt.

Graf Canada isn't Swiss and they are the only way to get Graf Skates at retail in North America.

But Graf is swiss. as in like Graf canada, is owned by the real swiss Graf company. it can be graf anything, its sstill swiss, and they wont let one of their only sporting companies go bankrupt.

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Graf Canada is only Licensing the Graf name, I'm sure if they feel that the current 'renters' aren't doing a bang up job, they'll find someone else. Although Graf Canada already is far from doing a bang up job.

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Their loss is Montreal's gain.

Didn't montreal just go belly up a couple months ago?

Nope, still out there, just adjusting there product offerings. eg. will no longer be making the Nitro Pro stick going to concentrate on the Nitro Force (the one that the few in the NHL use anyway) and the goalies will be able to order the exact sticks that the pro's use eg. Toskala's model

wasn't Montreal's goalie division purchased by Warrior?

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Their loss is Montreal's gain.

Didn't montreal just go belly up a couple months ago?

Nope, still out there, just adjusting there product offerings. eg. will no longer be making the Nitro Pro stick going to concentrate on the Nitro Force (the one that the few in the NHL use anyway) and the goalies will be able to order the exact sticks that the pro's use eg. Toskala's model

wasn't Montreal's goalie division purchased by Warrior?

Montreal in Europe distributes Warrior thus the confusion. They did produce some Warrior branded Montreal goal sticks for use over there, Toskala got a hold of a few because he was being chided for using a stick that said "Montreal" on it. He's sticks next year (if he's a Leaf???) will have the "NITRO" name on it with "by Montreal" in small lettering

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Maybe Toronto should start their own hockey company :rolleyes:

Montreal still makes my favorite wood sticks and blades, wish they'd make tapered ones too.

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Maybe Toronto should start their own hockey company :rolleyes:

Montreal still makes my favorite wood sticks and blades, wish they'd make tapered ones too.

...maybe soon.... I know they are seriously considering custom as well (made here in NA.) just need to make sure the company chosen can duplicate their construction perfectly...

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...maybe soon.... I know they are seriously considering custom as well (made here in NA.) just need to make sure the company chosen can duplicate their construction perfectly...

Custom Montreal blades would be amazing with that ABS strip along the bottom. They last several times longer than any other maker for me. Perfect for the shooting range too.

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...maybe soon.... I know they are seriously considering custom as well (made here in NA.) just need to make sure the company chosen can duplicate their construction perfectly...

Custom Montreal blades would be amazing with that ABS strip along the bottom. They last several times longer than any other maker for me. Perfect for the shooting range too.

It's a 9 ply laminate blade (believe it or not a full internal layer of ABS) similiar to what Titan used to make (may they RIP. I miss the old 20/20 TPM)

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Loved Titan blades back in the day. Never really got into Montreals because the offerings were too much curve.

Yeah, it seems like all the blades are either the Euro, or a Euro that's more towards the heel. A true Forsberg curve would be nice.

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Yeah, but not sure if it was just the Goalie division, or the whole shebang


no warrior has not bought montreal. montreal is currently in recievership. no deal has been reached. but they did talk. when warrior bought mia, mia had filed for bankrupcy. i recieved my info from a very good source.

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I just got off the phone with my Sherwood rep. and he has been informed that all outstanding orders from Sherwood will be delivered as promised, as well as them continuing to produce SOP product as needed. Just like CCM in the past and other companies they have filed to protect from creditors and will sell the company off as has happened many times in the past with other industry players.

P.S. I am not holding my breathe currently ALOT of internal problems at Sherwood (obviously)

Let me follow up with some other misconceptions out there. Sherwood is still in business. They will be sold to a new buyer, but they aren't going anywhere. Also, they still make all custom pro one piece sticks and goalie sticks in Sherwood's main factory. All high end wood sticks are made in the same factory as Easton and Bauer in QUEBEC-- not Ukraine or China. This includes the 5030, 7000 and 9950's. Although wood sticks are dying a slow death, Sherwood sells more than all others in that catagory.

And lastly, you might not want to believe it, but Sherwood sells more one piece sticks than RBK, CCM, Warrior, Mission and TPS. In Canada, take a look at Costco, Canadian Tire, Sport Chek and Walmart sometime. They all sell Sherwood one piece sticks. The reason that most of the younger guys don't think that SWD sells anything is because they can't afford to pay a bunch of NHLer's to use their sticks. If Sherwood had a marketing budget such NBH, RBK, Easton or New Balance, guys would probably be more inclined to use them.

Anyways, Sherwood will hopefully rebound from this because it's too bad if a true hockey company goes away and leaves everything to the likes of the shoe companies!!!

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I'd believe they sell more than those brands because those brands are pretty weak here. With the exception of Mission here in MN because the owner of the Wild owned them and pushed them pretty hard.

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I just got off the phone with my Sherwood rep. and he has been informed that all outstanding orders from Sherwood will be delivered as promised, as well as them continuing to produce SOP product as needed. Just like CCM in the past and other companies they have filed to protect from creditors and will sell the company off as has happened many times in the past with other industry players.

P.S. I am not holding my breathe currently ALOT of internal problems at Sherwood (obviously)

Let me follow up with some other misconceptions out there. Sherwood is still in business. They will be sold to a new buyer, but they aren't going anywhere. Also, they still make all custom pro one piece sticks and goalie sticks in Sherwood's main factory. All high end wood sticks are made in the same factory as Easton and Bauer in QUEBEC-- not Ukraine or China. This includes the 5030, 7000 and 9950's. Although wood sticks are dying a slow death, Sherwood sells more than all others in that catagory.


Care to explain the 9950 Coffey i'm holding that says "MADE IN UKRAINE"?

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I recall reading/hearing somewhere that Sherwood was continuing SOP production in Canada, but all retail offerings were going overseas.

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Anyways, Sherwood will hopefully rebound from this because it's too bad if a true hockey company goes away and leaves everything to the likes of the shoe companies!!!

You can say that again.

If nothing else, I hope Sherwood continues to make their long hosel, tapered wooden blades. Those things are golden. To be safe, I think I'll buy a dozen of them and, if the worst happens, send one out to Christian/Harrow and have them make a custom pattern of it for me. How sad would that be, though: mailing one company's product to another company and asking them to copy it for you.

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I just got off the phone with my Sherwood rep. and he has been informed that all outstanding orders from Sherwood will be delivered as promised, as well as them continuing to produce SOP product as needed. Just like CCM in the past and other companies they have filed to protect from creditors and will sell the company off as has happened many times in the past with other industry players.

P.S. I am not holding my breathe currently ALOT of internal problems at Sherwood (obviously)

Let me follow up with some other misconceptions out there. Sherwood is still in business. They will be sold to a new buyer, but they aren't going anywhere. Also, they still make all custom pro one piece sticks and goalie sticks in Sherwood's main factory. All high end wood sticks are made in the same factory as Easton and Bauer in QUEBEC-- not Ukraine or China. This includes the 5030, 7000 and 9950's. Although wood sticks are dying a slow death, Sherwood sells more than all others in that catagory.


Care to explain the 9950 Coffey i'm holding that says "MADE IN UKRAINE"?

You're right.... my mistake. The 7000's and 5030's are made in Canada still, but they farmed out the 9950's overseas..... sad really.

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The 5030 Intermediate and PP6087s are both Ukraine-made as well. I haven't seen the 08 stock yet so not sure if they are Canadian or Ukrainian-made.

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