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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Man drinks box of wine, attacks Jedi Church. Hilarity ensues.

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yeah, the thing that got me was:


"In the 2001 United Kingdom census, 390,000 — 0.7 percent of the population — listed Jedi as their religion."

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bahahah. That's so awesome. Couple hundred dollars to yell JEDIS and attack them dressed as Darth Vader. There's so many people in the world who would take that deal :P

The jail part is what sucks hah.

poor Jedis however, may the force be with them.


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  brettlynch11 said:

Ha wow the thing that got me was he didn't remember it at all.

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How do you drink that much and not die?

Maybe he drank it over the course of the day...or maybe he really does have special powers....10 liters worth of power.


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  lotus said:

bahahah. That's so awesome. Couple hundred dollars to yell JEDIS and attack them dressed as Darth Vader. There's so many people in the world who would take that deal :P

The jail part is what sucks hah.

poor Jedis however, may the force be with them.


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And I can see your Schwartz is as big as mine......but lets see how well you.....handle it!! B)

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  dix0r said:

yeah, the thing that got me was:


"In the 2001 United Kingdom census, 390,000 — 0.7 percent of the population — listed Jedi as their religion."

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If I remember correctly the idea was that if enough people put it down then it would become an officially recognised religion, so it was more for the "sheer hilarity" factor, then the 30 or so freaks playing lightsabers in Wales.

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  Spreedizzle said:

And I can see your Schwartz is as big as mine......but lets see how well you.....handle it!! B)

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So, Lone Starr, now you see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb!

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I love how they were going to tape a lightsaber duel. You would think they would have been in a pretty good position to fend off the metal crutch attack...

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  dix0r said:

yeah, the thing that got me was:


"In the 2001 United Kingdom census, 390,000 — 0.7 percent of the population — listed Jedi as their religion."

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Does that make George Lucas the new L. Ron Hubbard?

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