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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick/skates gallery

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Yea I am a lefty. None of them are for sale right now.

Lying??? Why would anyone give me their sticks to put on display or for that matter why would I go through the trouble of putting up racks in my garage???

Honestly, the main purpose of me putting up those pics was to trim back on my "stash-o-sticks"

It worked.

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Free money is always welcomed ;)

If you really need some sort of proof we could always poll members who have bought sticks from me. Who are they and what they bought. Hell guys on my team MUST be pissed that I am selling all of their LEFTY sticks ... <_<

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Fee money is always welcomed ;)

If you really need some sort of proof we could always poll members who have bought sticks from me. Who are they and what they bought. Hell guys on my team MUST be pissed that I am selling all of their LEFTY sticks ... <_<


I have bought:

1 Sande Infinity

1 Gagne Synergy

5 Lakovic 9950's

24 wood blades

2 Murray Innos

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Well, I don't have a gallery of the skates I've bought in the last year and a half to two years, granted I sold most of them off, but I bought them all new:

Bauer Classic Gold

Bauer 6000

Bauer Vapor 10

Bauer Mega 20-90

Graf prostock 705

Graf 705

Graf 727

Mission Type M

Mission D2c

Mission D2

Mission Purefly

Mission Prostock Purefly

CCM Vector Pros

CCM 652 tacks

Easton Air

Easton Z-air

Easton Z-air CompSE

Easton Z-air CompSe Prostock

Tour G90

Tour G80

Nike Hi-ho silvers

:rolleyes::wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Oh my lands... just doing a rough calculation, I've spent over $5600 in skates.. out of that list I have two pair that actually fit my feet well (g80 and nikes). I think I'm going to be sick...

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