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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick/skates gallery

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i was really bored so i thought id make this topic so everyone can post their own stick and skates. i no many people have a custom look to their skates.

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Nice skates. You didnt like the Hi-Hos or you just got those v-12 transfered it inline?

Hi-Hos are ok. But in my opinion the boot doesnt match up to the V-12 in any way at all. And you cant beat the Red Star chassis, so I figured I would get that too. I got a pretty sweet deal on them, so that also made me get em.

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Chadd those skates are sweet I used to have them(like 5 years ago).They were great skates but that was back in the day where looks were a really big issue and I hated the white.Ended up getting the black ones after. But they never felt as good as those baby's.

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those white 795 tacks are pimpin! theres a used pair of white 852's over at my lhs that are awesome, but just a tad too small

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Scary part is two fold. You are only seeing part of it as they are pilled up on top of each other and I have sold far more than I have purchased lately.

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Can you give us a rough estimate on how many stick you own, and about how much $ you've forked out. If I had that many stick I'd be in heaven.

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Damn... I have six sticks as of right now, but I generally stick with one until something catastrophic happens to it. How many of those have you even been able to use for any reasonable length of time?

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