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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Silly Question about models/brand years

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I have a silly question I think but I'm not exactly sure.

Is the Bauer Vapor XX senior hockey stick at HG for $125 the same stick as what it was when the Vapor XX stick was Bauers top stick a few years ago, just a bit cheaper because technology has advanced?


Is it a cheaper, less performing, not as well constructed stick as when it was the top of the line stick offered by?

I had one when they were one of Bauers top sticks and I loved it. If its the exact same stick I want to get another one. If so, does anyone know where there is a better deal then $125 for it? :)


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I would pay a lot of money to get a good stock of those original Vapor XX in a left Lindros 102 or 112.

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My old Inno make Vapor XX Pronger lasted 4 months, worst OPS for durability so far for me. And I seriously LOVED that bloody curve + OPS combo!

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I heard the curve was different too, I also heard the P91, had more of a curve to it and a higher lie, but the P91A is less curved and is truly a Drury clone.

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