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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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injury # 2. broken hip. WTF

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im just sayin

if you want you can play sled hockey go try and if they dont let you because you have 2 legs you can file a lawsuit claming discrimination

thats all im sayin :D

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im just sayin

if you want you can play sled hockey go try and if they dont let you because you have 2 legs you can file a lawsuit claming discrimination

thats all im sayin :D

And the award for Classiest Comment Of The Week goes to....

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im just sayin

if you want you can play sled hockey go try and if they dont let you because you have 2 legs you can file a lawsuit claming discrimination

thats all im sayin :D

That has got to be one of the dumbest, crudest, non-politically correct and condescending posts that I have read in quite a while.

Ridiculous. :rolleyes:

How about getting back on track and ensuring that Matt is ok and that he is progressing well through his pain and recovery.

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Matzilla. I really feel for you.

I know some of your pain, I broke my femur did not do the damage to

my knee(although thats where they put the rod in) or my hip. So my

thought and prayers just like everyone else here are with you and your


I hated that they had to cut off some of my equipment as I had just purchased

most of it. I wouldnt let them cut the skates, no way.

I didnt get pics of the leg. But I kind of enjoy looking at the xrays of the broken femur.

Heres to a quick and full recovery.

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I fractured my knee cap into about 4 pieces 6 years ago going into the boards, chasing down a break away. 3 pins, 18" of wire and 5 months of rehab I was back to playing roller hockey (I was told originally that it would be 6 months before I could even think about putting on skates). I'm just a rec player, so I didn't have far to go once I got the skates back on, but it's entirely possible to exceed expectations.

Make sure you get a good physical therapist and talk with them about your goals and what you can do to help (not hurt) your chances. I worked with my therapist to determine how far I could push my rehab and what were the signs to look out for indicating I was trying to hard (usually sharp sudden pain).

Good luck, and I wish you well on your rehab and recovery.

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As far as the xrays go, I am going to wait until my next trip to get them all burned onto a dvd... so i have all the different pictures of the healing process.

I went today, everything is healing properly and is in line and he said it looks good. He loosened up the brace so i have a bit more movement ( which hurts a tad , oh well )

thanks for the encouragement guys, sled hockey is not an option hahaha. but thanks for that too. I will play again in about a year, thats what im aiming for ( next spring season ).

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Hey Spree...was that taken before or after the cycling picture your posted in "Share the Road?"

After the first 2 pics by the deck of my old house, and then about 6 years prior to the pic of me at the top of Mount Mitchell as a much fatter and no longer competitive racer. :(

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Hey Spree...was that taken before or after the cycling picture your posted in "Share the Road?"

After the first 2 pics by the deck of my old house, and then about 6 years prior to the pic of me at the top of Mount Mitchell as a much fatter and no longer competitive racer. :(

Looks like a nasty bit of road rash.

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Hey Spree...was that taken before or after the cycling picture your posted in "Share the Road?"

After the first 2 pics by the deck of my old house, and then about 6 years prior to the pic of me at the top of Mount Mitchell as a much fatter and no longer competitive racer. :(

Looks like a nasty bit of road rash.

Not road rash.....surgery bruising from the tearing of my IT band in my left knee (the bulge on the lateral side is the 7" incision site). Pic was about 1 week post-op and I would be relegated to a wheel chair for another 20 weeks to allow the IT band to adhere to the bone once again before flexing my quads/hams and potentially tearing it right back out again. No bueno.

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Im down to 190 pounds from 215ish.

my leg is so skinny, and im itchin to get back on my skates...but its going to be another 5 or 6 months till i can even consider it... so i better learn to deal with the itch

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Don't worry about any of that crap man. Just make it your life to do everything you can to recover as perfect as you possibly can. Then when you're back on skates, all you'll hear is how you're the toughest son of a bitch around.

Best of luck, and pick up NHL 09 or 2k9 when they're released to help with the hockey crave ^.^

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Speaking of the hockey crave.....at least now you won't have to spend 5 months in re-coop without MSH. ;)

Phew I was scared there for a while.......

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those pics are harsh bro, looks like it hurts a little bit...get better if u can

Haha it hurts now more than it did when I injured it. ( or at least it seems that way )

I was in shock the second i hit the boards... it all seemed kind of funny.

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When I broke my ankle, my second year midget, I couldn't stop laughing... it was really weird.. and when they took my skate off at the hospital, I stopped, instantly haha.

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First of all I hope you have a complete recovery. I've gone through comparatively minor injuries such as sprained ankles, torn hamstrings, knee sprain, colar bone sprain ect., but nothing that put me out for more than 2 months and nothing that required surgery. I do know that being out with those far less serious injuries was tough and it's hard to imagine longer. I'm just curious - when the bone does heal do they go back in and remove the metal rods and pins? And if they do does that require a further healing/rest period?

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I have a rod and screws in my leg. My ortho told me that they COULD remove the rod after a couple years, but that it would require another surgery. I figure if it doesn't bother me, then I'm leaving it in. I'm not in any hurry to have ANOTHER surgery and MORE Physical Therapy. :(

Matt, hope everything is healing well for you. I'm sharing the itch to get back on skates, and it's only compounded by going to work at the rink every day!!

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Matt, hope everything is healing well for you. I'm sharing the itch to get back on skates, and it's only compounded by going to work at the rink every day!!

Argh, yeah. Being at the arena kills me. I've been to watch my team a few games, and most recently the championship game which they won. ( after going 4-10 in the regular season - - 2-2 with me 2-8 without ) It was pretty hard to watch. It'll be harder next season, and the season after that when, essentially, I wont be 'on the team'. :(

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