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Spray that offers ztac coating?

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Hello, I was wondering if there was some sort of spray-type thing I could buy at a local hardware store that would offer a z-tac like coating for my blades? All I want is something close to z-tac, a gritty texture type of spray that would work on my blades. Does anyone know of something like this? I searched around but couldn't find much on the topic. If there's a topic covering this that I missed, could you please point it out. Thanks in advance!

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Something like a rhino liner or line-x truck spray would probably work pretty well but I haven't seen anything in a consumer product.


Here's something I just found.


i think that would make the stick terribly blade heavy. i'm heading over to homedepot tommorow. i'll see what they got

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I believe somebody hear used a spray that was designed to provide an anti slip coating on steps. I have seen it at hardware stores before. It appears to just be a adhesive spray with a gritty texture in it.

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Eric Lindros used to spray his blades with some type of stuff that was used for not slipping when walkin on wet surfaces.

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Something like a rhino liner or line-x truck spray would probably work pretty well but I haven't seen anything in a consumer product.


Here's something I just found.


i think that would make the stick terribly blade heavy. i'm heading over to homedepot tommorow. i'll see what they got

It's a liquid with texture, it will be lighter than a full tape job.

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I was thinking you could maybe add a little sand to paint, and paint it. Not sure if this would work or not, just a thought.

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I think the No Skid spray (follow TBL's link) will be closest to what you're looking for. Let us know how it works if you get it, I've been contemplating picking up a can to try on a few shafts.

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Best I got: link.

No skid is a great replacement for z-tac. I first used it for grip but then found that it also protects as well.Krylon makes a product similar to it. The only issue with No skid is that it is sold only in Canada and shipping is a bit of a rip to the states.

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Best I got: link.

No skid is a great replacement for z-tac. I first used it for grip but then found that it also protects as well.Krylon makes a product similar to it. The only issue with No skid is that it is sold only in Canada and shipping is a bit of a rip to the states.

Have you tried the Krylon non-skid spray? $5 a can sounds a lot better than $20 for the No Skid, but I found one retailer that said the Krylon was not to be used on plastic or fiberglass. I might have to try it on an old shaft and see what it does on carbon composite.

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Something like a rhino liner or line-x truck spray would probably work pretty well but I haven't seen anything in a consumer product.


Here's something I just found.


i think that would make the stick terribly blade heavy. i'm heading over to homedepot tommorow. i'll see what they got

It's a liquid with texture, it will be lighter than a full tape job.

I was at harbor freight this afternoon and picked up some of this in a spray can:


It is NOT a good z-tac replacement but it would be fantastic on the shaft for added grip. It has a matte type finish that isn't tacky but does keep your hand from sliding around.

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Have you tried the Krylon non-skid spray? $5 a can sounds a lot better than $20 for the No Skid, but I found one retailer that said the Krylon was not to be used on plastic or fiberglass. I might have to try it on an old shaft and see what it does on carbon composite.

Yes I have. Krylon holds great on graphite but is not as gritty as No skid. Just depends on what you like. I prefer No Skid. For shafts the Krylon has a better clear color than No Skid if that matters to you.

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We tried a few last winter, mostly for fooling around on the back yard rink doing Michigans. Some industrial use spays worked best....none stayed on blades very well. My son taped his blade and sprayed that at end of season, seemed to work best. Still had some grit coming off but not in chunks when taking a slapshot.

All products we tried directly on blades didn't stand up to shooting-careful or you'll get this crap all over the ice.

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has anyone tried asking a manufaturer what ther do warrior[inno] with the polarfibre and easton with z-tac. im sure other companies might use something similar.

just a thought though, it could be like a bush's baked bean family recipe

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