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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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taking out the footbed when sizing

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I overheard someone in my LHS talking about taking out the footbed to size skates how do you do this do you stand on the footbead or what?


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I do it sometimes when I size little kids, put the sole on the ground, make them stand on it with there heel all the way back and see how much room there toes have in the skate.

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I overheard someone in my LHS talking about taking out the footbed to size skates how do you do this do you stand on the footbead or what?


When you have the pizza ( Skates ) in your hand you don't just take off a pepperoni ( footbed ) and eat it, you eat the pizza. What I mean is taking out the footbed might be a good approximation, but how to you know its up against the toe when it fits in the skate? The best way to fit, is to stick your foot in the skate kick back your heal and move your toes and you should feather the toe cap - then you kick your toes foward against the toe cap and you should have about 1/2 to 1 cm of space in the heal area for a traditional fit. But now with skates with "zero negitive space" and Kors heat moldable skates - maybe the bar has been changed.

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The footbed is used for several sizes and doesn't represent an accurate way to measure for length.

YouTuuk's got it right. Open up the skate, kick the toe down and sit back up. Whatever space you have in the heel is what you will have in the toe when your heel is kicked back.

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Having a customer stand on a foot bed in front of his parents who are paying for the skates is a strong visual aid to helping determine if skates are too big or too small by seeing where the foot rests on the foot bed. It is not the be-all end-all in fitting. It is another piece of the puzzle that gives both the buyer and seller information on how that particular skate may be fitting. When parents want skates that extra 1/2 size bigger we use this info to show them that the skates are too big and the player will get blisters from wearing an over sized skate.

BTW, I like pepperoni pizza.

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