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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Injured and don't know what it is

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So I started playing hockey again 8 years after highschool, and everything was going fine I was back to speed ..played for 4 mos straight..then all of a sudden BAM my left leg up in the thigh region is sore, so i rested took 2 weeks off it felt good. I played again then in the second period my thigh starts burning again. i'm like wtf!. so I rest again 4 weeks off this time. I play again it feels good to start off with but sure enough the pain comes back....Now I am on my 3rd week of rest again since playing and my leg still hurts when I bring my leg up to my chest. Does anyone have an idea what is going on? I dont have insurance and I really need to get back on the ice !!!!!

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Jeez, could be all sorts of stuff. Is it a muscle hurt as opposed to a joint hurting?

It could be a repetitive use problem, where you abused some muschle/ligament/tendon over a long enough period of time so that it is inflamed and hurting. A common one is hip flexor being too tight, and the skating aggrivating it. How is your flexibility? If it stinks (like most of us) you might need some PT work, or you might want to join a yoga class.

Did you take a slap shot to the thigh/other injury? Sometimes there is a deep bruise that you can not see, but takes forever to go away.

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you could have done a lot of things:

-pulled a muscle

-tore a muscle

-pulled a ligament

-tore a ligament



i suggest that you dont take any chances and go to the hospital (some have free walk-in clinics) so that you dont risk injuring it more.

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I dont remember taking a slapshot up that high. I am thinking it's either a muscle or a tendon....but I can't remember being sidelined this long with a muscle type of injury. a muscle pull should have healed by now right?

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Hmmm...sounds like you have what my doctor told me, "Uh, Ed, you're not 18 anymore. Your body need to be taken care of more."

You sound like you've got a sore muscle problem, I'm not a doctor, but when I got back into hockey I had a sore groin for 2 months and its sounds similar. That totally sucks you don't have insurance, I count my lucky stars I'm in Canada. I'd go see a sports therapist or sports medicine clinic to get an opinion. If it's hampering your life, you'll need to see a doctor.

Don't bother with those over the counter muscle pain rubs (myoflex and such) as they only really mask the pain so you don't think of it. Yoga, like said before, works wonders, thorough stretching and icing/warming helps.

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I dont remember taking a slapshot up that high. I am thinking it's either a muscle or a tendon....but I can't remember being sidelined this long with a muscle type of injury. a muscle pull should have healed by now right?

I'm totally not a doctor but I can share my experience with you. When I was first ice skating last year, the muscles in the upper back of my leg, particularly my right leg in what you would call the lower butt regiion, felt torn up on occasion and needed a few weeks rest. It would feel fine after a couple times of brief ice skating, but if I went a long, say, 2-3 hour session, it would hurt like hell for 2+ weeks! Now however I am quite fine, it was something that I had to build up. I still don't know if it was a muscle spasm, slight tear or what. I hope that helps.

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Also if it's your hip-flexor, I've been advised that ice, ice, ice helps. I've had experience with many groin and hip flexor "tweaks" or slight pulls, and they are not fun. Just takes rest and ice if that is indeed what it is. Also, you don't want to stretch a pulled muscle, that won't help it.

Edit: It also never hurts just to see a doctor or go to a walk in clinic just to make sure you know what it is.

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As always, GO SEE A DOCTOR. Lingering pain is never a good sign and ignoring it could make the eventual recovery even worse in the end.

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As always, GO SEE A DOCTOR. Lingering pain is never a good sign and ignoring it could make the eventual recovery even worse in the end.

So could taking medical advice from a hockey board..... Go see a doctor.

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So I went and bought this hand held electric massager ... oh man after about 5 minutes the muscle started to burn. It felt like there was a huge knot in my thigh. now its just sore when I touch it . I must have a bad cramp or something.

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are you familiar with trigger points? you might want to read a little about them, if not.. maybe you have a trigger point in your thigh that developed either on its own, as a result of a deep bruise, or from overworking/repetition.. deep massage helps, and if you said it feels like a knot it could be a trigger point that is referring pain through your leg..

google "trigger point" and if you think it sounds like what you're feeling, a great book on trigger point therapy is called "The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook" by Davies...

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So I went to a sports medicine doctor and now I know what my problem is... Iliopsoas tendonitis. anyone else have this problem. I am on some heavy anti inflamatories, but its still a little sore. i am hoping to be back playing by the 27th : )

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I dont have insurance and I really need to get back on the ice !!!!!

No you don't. I understand the feeling, but if you get a serious injury without insurance, you'll be paying for it FOREVER. Been there, done that. Get some insurance first.

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So I went to a sports medicine doctor and now I know what my problem is... Iliopsoas tendonitis. anyone else have this problem. I am on some heavy anti inflamatories, but its still a little sore. i am hoping to be back playing by the 27th : )

I have a buddy who has a psoas injury.

He had to take about 6 months off with just minor workouts in off time. He's still not 100%, but it doesnt hurt as bad after a game or well into the week like it use to.

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