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does anyone know if UNT still has a team

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Judging by the y'all, I'd guess University of North Texas. I have no idea if they have a hockey team or not.

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It's truly amazing what "University of North Texas Hockey" brings up when you Google it. This Google thing just might catch on.



You're welcome.

well thin google is truly better than yahoo.

never mind there ice hockey team still doesnt have website, this info i had already seen, better than nothing i supose

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It's truly amazing what "University of North Texas Hockey" brings up when you Google it. This Google thing just might catch on.



You're welcome.

well thin google is truly better than yahoo.

never mind there ice hockey team still doesnt have website, this info i had already seen, better than nothing i supose

But they do have a myspace page.

UNT Hockey

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It's because you're lazy, right? Or is it because there's no way you could even defend against that statement? I'm going with a bit of A and a bit of B.

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It's because you're lazy, right? Or is it because there's no way you could even defend against that statement? I'm going with a bit of A and a bit of B.

Or is it a case of not having the simple knowledge to type in what JR said? Abit of all 3 me thinks

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