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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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As you may be able to infer by the title, I have had quite some difficulty with this endeavor. I will be stepping up from the Junior A level for the Division I level next year and would like to find some extra protection for the hard shots I will be stepping in front of. I have been signed as a very defensive, penalty killing forward, so my major purpose will be a human target. In preparation, I have been looking for the pads and surrounds that the NHL players wear around their skates, most popular with the defensemen. I have seen tongue inserts that guard the top of your foot, full carbon fibre casings that surround the entire boot. I have not, however, been able to find these things anywhere. Are they custom made? Will I be able to ask my equipment manager at school to track them down? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all for your help in advance!

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Yikes! I guess having a size 8 skate doesn't help me.. Looks like these guys would run me close to $1000. Any other options?

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I've seen plenty of the old leather strap-ons hanging around at garage sales. Hit up a couple of those and you'll find some i bet. I might even have a pair.

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I've seen plenty of the old leather strap-ons hanging around at garage sales. Hit up a couple of those and you'll find some i bet. I might even have a pair.

Uh.. Wat?

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I've seen plenty of the old leather strap-ons hanging around at garage sales. Hit up a couple of those and you'll find some i bet. I might even have a pair.

Uh.. Wat?

I'm gonna need to see a picture of these things

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My LHS has the ones that sit over the laces, like the ones that Pronger wears. Let me know if you want any more details on these?


Thanks a lot!

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Sorry JR- I looked on Google and 3 links came up- I purposly didn't use the Summit one for that reason, but they were all apparently the same. My bad.

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I played against a guy back in the day late 70's - from Miami University who wore them. Name was John Malloy. Had heard he started equipment mng deal that specialized in protective gear. Try a google.

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Nascam, at that level don't you have an equiptment mgr. that you could contact for things like that. I would think those guys would be able to whip up something.

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I played against a guy back in the day late 70's - from Miami University who wore them. Name was John Malloy. Had heard he started equipment mng deal that specialized in protective gear. Try a google.

Fulton, who are you? That guy is a coach at my brother's high school.. hahah I don't believe he has an equipment company, unless he is running a top secret underground operation... Which i find inconceivable.

Nascam, at that level don't you have an equiptment mgr. that you could contact for things like that. I would think those guys would be able to whip up something.

I have thought about this, but I would like to make sure I do my research first, in case our equipment manager cannot help me. I have an email out to him and have no heard back yet. We will see what happens.

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I've seen plenty of the old leather strap-ons hanging around at garage sales. Hit up a couple of those and you'll find some i bet. I might even have a pair.

nice choice of words :lol:

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Wow - Jonny is coaching HS? Figured he would be more into the operations side, like GM of a Jr. team or semi - pro team. Last I heard he was in NE OH. Guess his MFG business went belly up. I should start playing / coaching again. Let me know if he needs an assitant coach.

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Do NHL defencemen seriously wear these things? I dunno, but the last thing I'd want is some big shield stuffed into my boot. This coming from a guy who had a hairline fracture two months ago from a shot directly off the inside of the arch. Has anyone skated with these? It seems like it would really do a number on speed and agility.

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Do NHL defencemen seriously wear these things? I dunno, but the last thing I'd want is some big shield stuffed into my boot. This coming from a guy who had a hairline fracture two months ago from a shot directly off the inside of the arch. Has anyone skated with these? It seems like it would really do a number on speed and agility.

So would a fracture. Who cares if anyone in the show is using them- if they serve their purpose it's money well spent.

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Do NHL defencemen seriously wear these things? I dunno, but the last thing I'd want is some big shield stuffed into my boot. This coming from a guy who had a hairline fracture two months ago from a shot directly off the inside of the arch. Has anyone skated with these? It seems like it would really do a number on speed and agility.

They float on the outside of the boot.

And yes, there are a few guys who wear them.

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Who cares if anyone in the show is using them- if they serve their purpose it's money well spent.

I was just curious if anyone was using them, since it's not something I've ever seen or heard about.

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