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Fav-Re? to the Jets

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Packers 4-12

Jets 7-9

Rodgers is a waste of time, Favre played 16 seasons with out missing a game, rodgers played 2, with injuries

back to the dark ages (1980's) for my packers =(

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I predict Rodgers makes the playoffs and Favre doesn't.

They made the playoffs, and the NFC championship, last year thanks to a great defense and amazing WRs. They're still there.

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If this all clicks and they have some major luck 10-11w is possible. These are some of the best wr he has had, the o line is not that bad this year, and their schedule is not bad at all really...

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Really? I think these are some of the worst WR he's had in a while. Coles is a possession guy, and Cotchery is nowhere near Jennings or Driver.

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I hope so then. The Jets made improvements, but they're probably the third best team in their division.

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Good for Aaron Rodgers...put all that pre-season/off season stuff behind him, and had a pretty good game. Threw a couple beautiful deep balls, scrambled out of trouble for a couple nice passes, and got a Lambeau leap in for good measure as well.

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I wonder what ESPN is going to say when Rodgers has the more successful season.

They'll pretend they expected it all along.

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I forget who it was but someone tonight brought up a random thought.

If Favre stays retired a little longer then maybe he's the Patriots 2008 QB now?

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