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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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12" Subwoofers?

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Alright, my birthday is coming up and I am asking for my system for my car and I am having trouble deciding on what subs to ask for. For those that have some 12's in their trunk could you help me in a direction with some suggestions on some subs that hit hard so i can get noticed but have a good price tag, nothing that will drain the wallet.....all help is appreciated!

Thanks in advance.


Also if you want, please list your whole system....amp and all..thanks again!

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10" Kicker Solo-Baric subs

650w Legacy amp (had two amps but got rid of one, the one amp is powering just the subs)

Kicker mids in the back, Boston Acoustics in the front

Alpine 60x4 Bass Engine Plus head unit

Alpine MP3 CD changer under the seat

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My friend has all alpine, R-Type subs I think. Sounds alrite to me. But I doubt I'll even get anything done to my truck except get the new Alpine deck coming out thats made to work with iPods.

Edit- So I guess its just an adaptor that works with an Alpine deck and iPods. Going to have to spend more money than I thought.

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Do everyone not inside your car a favor and make sure it's professionally installed and the trunk doesn't vibrate. Half assed installs has to be in my top ten list of pet peeves.

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Like I told him earlier, your setup is as good as the components you have.

A poor install can make good components sound bad. I have done decent setups with inexpensive gear, but do it half assed and it will always suck.

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Like I told him earlier, your setup is as good as the components you have.

A poor install can make good components sound bad. I have done decent setups with inexpensive gear, but do it half assed and it will always suck.

That's what I meant...

JL's nice but certain things about their stuff rub me the wrong way...cheap components...

Build the whole system, not just the subwoofers. Unless you have a upgraded speaker system in your car, the speakers suck. Nothing annoys me more than to hear someone going by and you just hear "THUMP THUMP THUMP" and no vocals. That's why I set up mine like that. You know, some days I'm feeling Biggie, some days I'm feeling Neil Diamond.

I suggest building the inside before the subs if you can't do it all in one shot.

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im probably going to put a kicker L7 in my car in the next week. The worst thing to do when installing subs is going half-assed on the amp you purchase. Its the most critical component, especially if you decide to go with a multi-channel and run it with the speakers.

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Like I told him, if you get a speaker like a Solo-Baric or a W7, be prepared to buy a big-ass amp. Those things require too much power. Not even worth it in some cases.

The only thing that sucks about car audio is when you are all done, you listen to it for about a week and then want more...I want a setup that can revive you if you have a heart attack...

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I have the iRock, the wireless radio transmitter which absolutely sucks, and then I have the iPod tape which works fine. Its like the tapes you'd hook up to discmen if you didn't have a car CD player. The only thing is, the quality isn't very good, so you have to turn it up pretty loud.

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I'm getting completely new speakers, along with subs, amps, etc... for my birthday in October when i turn 16. Most of my friends already are, and have sick systems, and i've always been obsessed with music and subs, huge sound and bass. It's probably better, i know more expensive, to get seperate amps for the speakers and the subs, correct?

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Sorry to revive a couple month old topic, but I am setting up a system for my car. I can put two 6x9s in the back and 2 speakers in the doors. Do I need an amp to power this system or can I run all four speakers off of the receiver? Also should the door speakers be component or regular speakers?

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