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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone else go schizo with the Sharpie pen?

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I got bored not too long ago and blacked out some older Easton 4 rolls. The ones with the big "E" design on the cuff. I used a sharpie to back it out. Unfortunately for me it turned out a little purple looking. So I bought some liquid Ritt Dye and used a sponge. They're all black now, so I'm happy.

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Not bad.

At the rink I see so many kids, skate guards mostly, go buck-nutty on their skates graffiti style and I was expecting that.

Your skates actually don't look too bad. Good get.

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Very interesting. Black laces I presume? Stealthy o.O

Yep..black laces..Only skates I didnt have black laces with were my Grafs..everything else has always been black

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Wouldnt there be a slight problem if you were to rub your skates together? Like the sharpie would get smudged off or streaked? Still looks really nice and clean like that though.

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Why would you rub your skates together? Are you trying to start a fire or just playing out that Dorthy in wonderland scenario? Fortunately, it appears the clicking of heels would not have an ill effect.

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Why would you rub your skates together? Are you trying to start a fire or just playing out that Dorthy in wonderland scenario? Fortunately, it appears the clicking of heels would not have an ill effect.

Who the hells "Dorthy"? and whats she doing in Wonderland? :P

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The material on the skate really took well to the Sharpie ink..I dont think I have too much to worry about when it comes to rubbing or whatever the hell that means..lol I did not even have any marker residue on my hands afterwards, so it soaked and dried into the material pretty quickly..Only discoloration I've had on the skate is on the eyelet where the black eyelets have been hit by a stick/skate blade/puck etc and the brass coloration was exposed..I've yet to skate in them since I put the Sharpie to them last night, but we'll see how the color holds up after a few times on the ice and being stored in a wet, soggy, vile, disgusting bag for a few hot August days

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