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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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white nylon gloves

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Its been hot in michigan and I have been playing alot of roller hockey and my white nylon 4 rolls have some pretty gross sweat stains. What can I use to get them out and not damage the glove or foam?

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I realy like the Nikwax range of products. Its a range of cleaning and conditioning products used for hiking gear and other stuff. Anyway I have found their shoe cleaner to be great on white nylon.

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A while back I used a product called spot shot, it came in a spray bottle. Worked very well, but i cleaned them with a brush that must have been dirty, because they came out with orange/brown marks everywhere once they dried. I just re-did them again today with a clorox bleach pen, and scrubbed them with a brand new hand brush. They are outside drying right now, it looks like it might have worked well. The only problem is that the gloves got completely soaked, so dont plan on using them for a day or two.

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A while back I used a product called spot shot, it came in a spray bottle. Worked very well, but i cleaned them with a brush that must have been dirty, because they came out with orange/brown marks everywhere once they dried. I just re-did them again today with a clorox bleach pen, and scrubbed them with a brand new hand brush. They are outside drying right now, it looks like it might have worked well. The only problem is that the gloves got completely soaked, so dont plan on using them for a day or two.

Or it was a reaction of the chemical to the material that made it brown-orange.

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if i only apply detergent to the nylon parts and dont put any on the leather palms will the palms still get dry? Im scared if I used bleach it will attack the foam. Windex and oxy clean both dont work.

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it happened again, only worse this time. my gloves have started to dry, and their is dirt lines everywhere. Next im going to try "tide to go", and ditch the idea of soaking them in water. It seems like once they start to dry, the dirt gets brought up to the front of the material and really shows through.

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ok so i just used the tide to go pen, and it worked AMAZING

when i cleaned them today they left ALOT of dirt marks once they dried, so i used just about the whole pen....but wow within seconds this thing had the dirt gone. looks to be the best solution yet.

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