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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Used Pro stock Easton S15's

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If your refering to the blue tape with numbers on it, id say its just a reference # from who ever he bought it from or from the seller himself. Usually when i sell things on ebay or where ever i'll put a reference number on the item so once it sells i can write down who bought it, when, and for how much. However, a lot of S15's ive seen come with a extra layer of material over the carbon you'd see on a normal stock pair. The material is almost the same as they use on the cheaper S7 skate. FYI those skates look pretty beat, pro stock or not your lucky to get a full season out of S15's that are brand new, nevermind ones that are already beat up!

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No, not talking about the tape...I assumed it was for inventory purposes.

I dont think those s15's look bad at all...Ive seen much worse...and I am only looking for a cheap beater pair.

If they are indeed custom made for a pro, they might be built better than stock.....my custom s15's sure are.

Just looking for definitive info on what that is before I consider bidding. It really looks like the composite was just cut out, which would leave the skate without protection and structural integrity...and basically worthless. If it is a reinforced area, I would consider bidding, but I would have to know for sure.

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It looks like there is an extra layer of material on the heels probably to accommodate bumps or some other situation on his heels.

Probably Haglund bump...

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Usually from what I've seen there is the "E" logo on that area which looks like it's been scratched off or removed. My Stealth s11's look just like that in the back area and the composite area is just fine.

I'm not saying I know for sure since they're not mine, but from what I can tell it just looks like the Easton logo was removed and all you're seeing is the carbon layer.

My .02.

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Looks like the composite was cut out to accommodate a Haglund's bump and/or to make the boot less stiff.

yes exactly, I've had a few prostocks come thru that were exactly like that, nylon or leather and bumped out.

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I know that in some cases they actually make a composite impression of the player's foot. Nick Lidstrom's SyNergys were blown out huge.

That is why I am going to stay away from these. The stock shell fits me great...so I would be taking a chance it wont if it has been modified.

Thanks for the info everyone.

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I'm saying in the case of Lidstrom's, the skate looks like a retail skate, but the bump is actually present in the shell, not like the pictures in this thread where the composite material has been removed.

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