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TPS R8 Shaft

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There seem to be quite a few fans of TPS sticks on here. Has anyone used the R8 shaft? If so, what are your thoughts? I currently use both a dolomite and xxx-lite with dolomite smyth blades. I like the rounded and concave shaft shape, would this be like the pro-radius version of the R8? I use 85 flex, what would be a better match, whip or regular? How whippy is whip flex? How does the TPS compare to the dolo or xxx-lite? Where can I buy one? So far I have only found one place that has them in stock and all they have is whip in the pro-radius and reg in the standard shaft shape. Thanks in advance for any advice and/or opinions. Just looking for something new to try that is something like what I am already using since I know that I like them.

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thats quite a few questions that you've got there, and since i've never used a Warrior Product, i can't answer a few of your questions. However, i just started using the new R8 Shaft last week. R8 Shaft with R8 Blade. i've been using the R10 for the past 6 months in Stiff. my R8 Shaft is Regular. my thought is that if you've been using 85, you might want the whip. I have been pretty satisfied with the Shaft. Weight, Feel, and Response on the shots are nice. it's taking me some getting used to with the flex, but other then that, no complaints. I do get less torque from the R10, but that is in part to the PTC that comes on that model. All in all, the R8 is a nice shaft.

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I'm looking for a 2008 TPS R8 tapered shaft too. anyone know which online store has it? I've been searching around....

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Pro-Radius isn't concave - it's rounded and smaller. A lot of girls seem to prefer it.

Thanks, that's good to know. That is information that I need to know. How boxy is the standard shaft shape, or what would you compare it to?

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I didn't think Pro-Radius is any smaller, just a rounded shaft. I have a rubber shaft that's PR shape and I'm pretty picky about shaft size. It might feel smaller since the sides blend into the top and bottom more discretely than a traditional shaft.

IIRC, TPS's standard shape is close to Warrior- slightly boxy corners with concave sides. I can't remember what a Dolo/AK feels like, but I think TPS's concave is more pronounced than my MacDaddy (don't know if the MD has the same shaft shape as the Dolo).

Whip is 75. Regular is 95. You'd need to find something in Strong-Whip, which is 85, but pretty uncommon. Go with what you feel is better for you. If you're cranking 85 really well, you could try the R flex. If 85 is your upper limit, go with W.

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I'm looking for a 2008 TPS R8 tapered shaft too. anyone know which online store has it? I've been searching around....

You're in Vancouver right? Almost every LHS around here has R8s on shelves...

I've used a dolomite before my R8. The dolomite weighs more (like 10-15g it won't make a difference) and a bit more rounded shape while the TPS is a bit more boxy in shape. The thing that I had to get used to was the grip zone on the R8 (I was using a clear dolo). IMO both shafts are pretty good when it comes to performance and you can't go wrong with either one.

The pro radius version reminds me of the old Easton Cyclones.

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I didn't think Pro-Radius is any smaller, just a rounded shaft. I have a rubber shaft that's PR shape and I'm pretty picky about shaft size. It might feel smaller since the sides blend into the top and bottom more discretely than a traditional shaft.

IIRC, TPS's standard shape is close to Warrior- slightly boxy corners with concave sides. I can't remember what a Dolo/AK feels like, but I think TPS's concave is more pronounced than my MacDaddy (don't know if the MD has the same shaft shape as the Dolo).

Whip is 75. Regular is 95. You'd need to find something in Strong-Whip, which is 85, but pretty uncommon. Go with what you feel is better for you. If you're cranking 85 really well, you could try the R flex. If 85 is your upper limit, go with W.

Now we are getting somewhere. Thanks for the input Rustpot. Are the R8 shafts too new that they aren't widely available or is there another reason they are hard to find? It sounds like I would be better off using a strong whip or regular shaft. Anyone have a good pic that shows what this pro-radius shaft shape is like? Anyone have a good source for ordering them online? I am pretty sure that there isn't one LHS in my entire state that has TPS sticks.

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Where do you live?

Pro Radius is basically a more round shaft. Flat walls, very round corners that cuts down the shaft circumference. Makes it easier to wrap the hand around it. I'd pop the plug on my TPS stick, bit I haven't a camera.

Google.com can tell you everyone that has a TPS R8 shaft for sale.

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I didn't think Pro-Radius is any smaller, just a rounded shaft.
Pro Radius is basically a more round shaft. Flat walls, very round corners that cuts down the shaft circumference.


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I didn't think Pro-Radius is any smaller, just a rounded shaft.
Pro Radius is basically a more round shaft. Flat walls, very round corners that cuts down the shaft circumference.


Eh? I was saying it's no thinner, someone above said it had smaller dimensions and was preferred by smaller players (that's what the first comment was). Montreal's Thin Grip is a slimmer shaft that takes senior blades and extensions. It has senior dimensions if you were to take a set of calipers wall-to-wall. If you wrap a string and measure circumference it would probably come up shorther than a boxy or concave shaft. I grip the walls, not just grab it with a fist, so it feels fine to me.

Were you saying I was contradicting myself, or that I'm wrong flat-out?

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There's a slight contradiction there...but I do know what you're trying to say. Ultimately, though, I think it would be hard to argue *holding the "standard" R8 in one hand and the "PR" R8 in the other* that the R8 isn't markedly smaller.

I'll be back at the rink later...I'll try to remember to swing by the shop (I know we've got at least one or two PR R8s) and try to get the circumferences before/after I head onto/get off the ice.

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