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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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KOR Shift1 Holder

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Is this possible? I know a normal holder swap with Kor Shift1 is not possible due to the integrated footbed, but since these holders have the same hole pattern, is it possible to unscrew the holder and swap it out? I bought a pair from Hockey Giant that came with Tuuks, but I'm used to them with Pitch, and I don't have a reliable sharpener to get the Tuuks pitched/radiused to match the Pitch 3 holders, and I'd rather just put a set of Pitches on them.

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If you can unscrew them, then yes, there is no reason why not (Im not famaliar with Kor's). But yes, they have the same hole pattern, just unscrew those babies and bing bang bloozie, you got a new setup.


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Is this possible? I know a normal holder swap with Kor Shift1 is not possible due to the integrated footbed, but since these holders have the same hole pattern, is it possible to unscrew the holder and swap it out? I bought a pair from Hockey Giant that came with Tuuks, but I'm used to them with Pitch, and I don't have a reliable sharpener to get the Tuuks pitched/radiused to match the Pitch 3 holders, and I'd rather just put a set of Pitches on them.

Yes, you can swap them, no problem. Just be careful when you're tightening the screws, the threads could be damaged if you do over do it.

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On an unrelated note the Shift1's have just been dropped to 112.50 on HG. Code: KOR0929

Just may have to give them a shot now.....I need new skates and have been wondering about the KORs. I would have to pray mine came with the pitch holders though!

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Thats a very old post, not sure about the prices now.

Also, I bought these skates, hated them. They were traded to a member here who felt the same and sold them on himself. I wouldn't try them if I were you, stick to what fits/works best is the best advice I can give.

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