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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'll see your skate blade, and raise you a gun

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Former Buffalo Sabres goalie Clint Malarchuk apparently accidentally shot himself in the chin Tuesday with a .22-caliber rifle at his Fish Springs residence, according to the Record-Courier of Nevada.

Click the link for full story, looks like he will be fine

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If he still has nightmares from the First incident like has been stated before...Imagine the shit he'll be dreaming now.

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RDS just said that apparently it was a suicide attempt and not accidental, now I'm in shock.

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RDS just said that apparently it was a suicide attempt and not accidental, now I'm in shock.

Normally a good bet when someone shoots themselves in the head, especially with a rifle. My only reason for thinking it may not be is the caliber.

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Kind of like trying to OD on 6 Flintstone vitamins... at any rate, hope he can get his head straight- he's been through enough.

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Hmm, i kinda thought something strange was going on. The report i read said the gun "accidentally" went off when he was holding it between his legs. I don't think too many people hold a gun barrel up between their legs.

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I've heard of things like this happening before. He could have been putting the gun down like was reported and it fired. I knew of a former Flyer's prospect who's father was killed in a similar situation. If Clint wanted to kill himself he could have done so with the .22 caliber, but he'd have had to rest his throat on the barrel. I honestly think this was just a freak accident.

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Hopefully it was an accident.

Clint has had mental issues over the years. Not sure if they were related to his skate blade incident. But there was a special on TSN a few years about his battle with OCD, and panic attacks.

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Well he had been drinking on the day of the incident and apparently it's a big no no when you take the same medication he has the last couple of years.

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