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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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McDonald's Monopoly

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Everybody has Park Place. They print a bazillion Park Place pieces and probably only a few Boardwalks. Sorry to ruin it for you. :P Check ebay. I've seen the game pieces for sale on there in the past.

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is it "legal" to do this? if so why not have everyone post up their game pieces and then we can find pairs and split it, who cares if its only 500 bucks to spilt, its still 500 bucks. ive got a whole bunch floating around

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is it "legal" to do this? if so why not have everyone post up their game pieces and then we can find pairs and split it, who cares if its only 500 bucks to spilt, its still 500 bucks. ive got a whole bunch floating around

Do you mean 'legal' legal...or as in MSH's Anti-SPAM rules?

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no im saying if 2 people add their pieces together is there anyway they can say the prize is void?

As long as only 1 of the 2 tries claims the prize...I don't see how they can argue it...who's to say that you hadn't gone to McD's together one day and each got a piece that filled a prize area.

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I wonder if they can say anything or track the pieces if they are from other sides of the united states? I mean they might be like, hey you from cali, what were you doing in florida? I wonder if they make you prove you were where the piece came from or something?

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is it "legal" to do this? if so why not have everyone post up their game pieces and then we can find pairs and split it, who cares if its only 500 bucks to spilt, its still 500 bucks. ive got a whole bunch floating around

If someone comes on and reads that a bunch of posters have two of the reds and I have the red that no one else has, I'd have to be mentally retarded to split it with you guys when I could probably spend $20 on hash-browns and get the necessary red pieces you guys already got.

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I wonder if they can say anything or track the pieces if they are from other sides of the united states? I mean they might be like, hey you from cali, what were you doing in florida? I wonder if they make you prove you were where the piece came from or something?

took the family to see JR in fla :rolleyes:

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