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Skate Sizing and Selection (Bauer)

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Hi, I am wearing Graf Supra 503's in size 6 Wide. I wear a size 7 shoe. I had size 6 CCM Tacks and found them a little big. The other night, I went to a sports store and the guy said I should be in a 4.5 - 5 Vapor. That seems really small to me. I then went and rented a pair of Vapor XVI's (5.5 EE) and found them to be excellent. However, my toes did not "just graze the top of the toecap" as they are supposed to so I wonder if they were too big. I know I could push my foot forward and get a pen down there for sure, is that supposed to be the max room back there if pushing your foot all the way forward?

Anyway, I am deciding on Vapor XXV, XXXX or just upgrading to a Graf 703 or G3. Thanks for any input you might have. Sizing is the biggest issue and when trying them on, different sales people tell you different things (and unlike sneakers, they are not going to stretch in length). Thanks.

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coming from a 503 im not sure a 703 or a G3 would work as well, they are very different fits in my experience with the heel being wider and alot more depth in the 503.

a pen's width is the most space you want to have behind your heel, brushing the toe cap is ideal, but a little comfort space is alright

choosing between the XXV and the XXXX just depends on how much skating you are going to be doing, how much you weigh, those kind of things

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First of all, ignore the numbers and make it easy on yourself. Try on the next smallest size until you find a pair that is too small lengthwise. Then go back up a half size.

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Try not to trust your size judgments on rental skates. They are usually pretty deformed.

Since you are buying such top end skates, can you not get fitted properly at the store? (Though I suppose some stores you're better off fitting yourself)

Chadd is correct of course, just try them on.

503s fit very different from the Vapors and the 703/G3. Just remember, the best skate is the one that fits your feet.

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Thanks for your replies so far. I was looking at some Graf 703 and G3 online and figured the same size 6 Wide would be good. I know I can't get that deal at my local shop. With Vapor XXV and XXXX, many stores in my area don't have the top end skates like that. Ordering online is scary with sizing issues. One website says I should trace my feet on a sheet of paper, etc.

I love my Graf because of the fit, stability and ability to hold an edge. I don't like their heavy weight and less maneuverability as compared to the Vapor XVI's I wore the other night. My friend watched the game and said I seemed to have more jump.


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Thanks for your replies so far. I was looking at some Graf 703 and G3 online and figured the same size 6 Wide would be good. I know I can't get that deal at my local shop. With Vapor XXV and XXXX, many stores in my area don't have the top end skates like that. Ordering online is scary with sizing issues. One website says I should trace my feet on a sheet of paper, etc.

I love my Graf because of the fit, stability and ability to hold an edge. I don't like their heavy weight and less maneuverability as compared to the Vapor XVI's I wore the other night. My friend watched the game and said I seemed to have more jump.


No stores in my area had a Vapor skate in 11.5 EE, so I went the online route. Icewarehouse has free delivery and return shipping on skates, so I took advantage of that to try and see if the Vapors will work better than the Vectors I have now. I didn't check to see if there's a restocking fee, but you'd be out a small percentage compared to being stuck with skates or ordering from another company and paying shipping and restocking.

I know it sucks, I would love to try on, be fitted and buy from a brick and mortar store, but if they can't take the chance to stock sizes they're accepting a loss in business IMO. If a store does not have your size in the model you want and won't accomodate you or will stick you with a skate ordered for you in the range of normal sizes, then their loss I guess.

If it's just a matter of a deal, stick with your local store until the realm of their ability runs out, you'll come out ahead in the long run.

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Thanks for your replies so far. I was looking at some Graf 703 and G3 online and figured the same size 6 Wide would be good. I know I can't get that deal at my local shop. With Vapor XXV and XXXX, many stores in my area don't have the top end skates like that. Ordering online is scary with sizing issues. One website says I should trace my feet on a sheet of paper, etc.

I love my Graf because of the fit, stability and ability to hold an edge. I don't like their heavy weight and less maneuverability as compared to the Vapor XVI's I wore the other night. My friend watched the game and said I seemed to have more jump.


Hmm. Maybe I can help you out. Of course, I normally fit people to skates when actually holding their feet...

Firstly, how do your 503s fit? Length, width along the entire foot... kick your heel back, roughly how much space between your toes and the front of the toe cap? Tick your foot forward, how much space between heel and heel pocket?

Then, remember that skates only stretch out over time. A skate that just about fits decently tight new will become loose following the break in. Start rather snug and work them out from there.

Then...take some photos of your feet for me please. Top down, side view (of the arch), from the front (facing your toes) - if you can be bothered, both standing and sitting in both of those would be useful.

Upload them somewhere and PM me a link, I'll see what I can do.

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Gagner, I will try to get you some of that info. I was at a hockey shop tonight and the size 5.0 EE Supreme One55 felt nice while the 5.0 EE Vapor XXII never felt quite as roomy. If I have these on, I have a knee bend and am seated. I push my toes forward to touch the toecap and I can fit a pencil down the back by my heel. If I go to a 5.5 EE, I can put more than a pencil. At the shop, they keep saying 5.0 EE is best for me. I just remember having 5.5 EE Vapor about 9 years ago and they hurt my big toe every game so I am nervous to go down a half size.

I also went to SportChek and tried on used 5.0 EE Vapor XVI's and they seemed fine. Maybe they stretch a bit?


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you are going to gain a little bit of length through your heat fit and through skating in your skates

its ok to drop half a size as the change in toe cap shape has allowed people to drop half a size

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also as we get older our feet change shape and size at age 18 wore a size 14 shoe at 37 now wearing 13. my skates are XXV in a size 12D. i also had to order online b/c like rust no store had my size.

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To conclude, is the "pencil test" a good gauge? At the store, they get me to sit down and push my toes to the front of the boot and lean forward and they put a pencil down the back of the heel. They said a pencil is all you should get down there, any more is too big.

Hopefully, if the pencil test indicates my size in a Vapor XXII or Supreme One55, I can safely order the SAME skate but a higher up model online (XXV, XXXX, One75 or One90). Thanks for all your help this is a great website.

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Ok, I bought the skates. Bauer Vapor XXII size 5.5 EE. I of course am concerned with sizing etc. but at my local store (SportChek), since these are junior skates, I can trade them in within 12 months and get 50% of what I paid for them as a credit towards another pair. So, I can get new skates every year for not too much money. I wanted the XXV model but they only go up to XXII at that store. Either way, next season when the new Vapors come out I will probably get an equivalent skate in those and at least I can get $100 credit on these towards the new skates.

Thanks all.

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Seeing as pittbull got his problem solved, I was hoping to get a little feedback on my current issue.

My current Vector 6 '06 retail skates at 11.5 E are too shallow with an arch that gives me pain. I was stupid and ignorant when I bought them, knew nothing about proper fit and only looked at whether the length was right. The forefoot/toebox could do with a little more width, I skip eyelets down low to keep pressure off, which helps keep the pain from being too nagging. I've had them for almost two years and have dealth with the pain. I don't want to accept this any more now that I have money and can afford something that won't hurt me.

Easton skates are too flat and feel like I'm standing on bricks. RBK has the same fit issue as my CCM set and the wider heel is no good. I cannot find Mission skates to try on. I've tried looking for Flexlites, can't find any in stores. Out of Principle I don't want to try Graf.

I called every store in the area, none had 11.5EE, so I used Icewarehouse's free shipping and return on skates to try out a pair. I'm trying a set of XXXX for a few reasons, but I need some questions answered as I'm a bit in the dark when it comes to proper fitting skates, I've never owned a top end pair or had a proper fitting done. I've tried 11.0 D on in most NBH skates (LHS normally orders up to 11 D) and they are too narrow and too short. Even though my heel won't sit back enough, my toes are fully curled and only 1 finger will fit behind my heel.

I've never used a high end pair of skates. I started on a budget Bauer set, then the CCM Vector 6 I have now. I laced up the set of XXXX, tied them tight after kicking them back and stood up for 10 minutes. No arch pain, but pressure pain all along the sides of my feet, not including the heel or forefoot at the ball of the foot. I assume this means they aren't optimally wide enough, but the pain went away immediately when I loosened an inch of lace down the length of my foot. I don't know if this is a stiffness or fit issue.

Is this an acceptable way to wear top skates? Will the width problem become better as the skates break in and are baked?

The toe box was very roomy, no problem there. The pencil test passes for the top 3 eyelets and the bottom set, but #4 and 5 from the top give ~1/8" on one side of the pen with it touching one side of the skate and my ankle. My Vector set fail much worse through the top 6 eyelets.

When standing my left foot will touch the toe cap (my second toe is the longest and the toebox makes it bend slightly), so as my heel sinks back a bit they will be perfect. My right foot is shorter, maybe 1/4 to 1/2 of a size. I can "stretch" my foot to touch the toebox, but it almost feathers it standing normally, I can tell my sock is lightly touching.

My heel felt like it locked well and will settle into the pocket even better with a bake and a little use. What is the standard heel width on a retail 11.5EE? A? B? Does it differ from D skates? (Meaning is it EE/B-D/A or EE/A-D/A, etc)

With my Vector skates I was taping my ankles and my tendon guards have broken down a little bit to allow forward flex. They spring back to normal, I had to hold the skate with my foot and press pretty hard to take this picture.


If I keep doing this with the XXXX skates, will the guard break off, or will they just start flexing like this? I want to know if I should break the habit from the start or if it's alright to keep doing it. I know it's not a great thing to do, but it's what I've done since I started skating.

That said, do these XXXX sound like they'll be good? The width is my main concern, they feel great otherwise.

Will One70/75/90 be a better match in theory?

Long post, but more infor the better, right?

Thanks in advance.

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if you can do your best to try on a pair of one95s, i just realized you had to order the XXXX in, but they tend to have more depth and more width up front so that in a EE might work well for you

hope your LHS has that skate in for you

good luck

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