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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Skates for 18 month old

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I tried to forward the picture, but couldn't figure it out. Yep, the GF enjoys that I play hockey, but I figure I can only slip out of the house about once a week max.

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Does anyone know where one could find these on the internet? My nephew is 17 months old now, and I'm looking for a pair of tiny skates for christmas. The only ones I've found so far are those lame plastic skates with buckles. He needs the real deal!

I live in MN and picked up size 8 CCMs from this place, but the Bauer one05s go down to size 6.


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Does anyone know where one could find these on the internet? My nephew is 17 months old now, and I'm looking for a pair of tiny skates for christmas. The only ones I've found so far are those lame plastic skates with buckles. He needs the real deal!

I live in MN and picked up size 8 CCMs from this place, but the Bauer one05s go down to size 6.


Man that place is fantastic. I not its not a my LHS but its someones. Mine carries next to nothing so I will be looking hear. The boy is a gear whore just like daddy. Already wants newskates.

I know its not a bad thing but I just cant believe you can thermoform a 3 year olds skate


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Lettermen's is decent as far as gear goes but it is more known for supplying custom sweatshirts, shorts, screen printing; embroidery, jerseys and so on. That is where our team gets our sweats, bags etc., ordered. Dave's Sport Shop is nearby and so is Strauss Skates.

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I hear yah, but right now I am just looking for a store that actually carries a fair number of little guy skates.

My boy has a wide foot by nature, hes always worn wide shoes. Hoping this pays off in the future for closeout deals on wide :D . That said I guess I was just happy they had multiple models in his size from multiple manufacturers. kind of bad as i am up in the air as to whether just stick with ccm/rbk or go nbh. i tendto like nbh styles and features more

I have already noticed that at this age and size its going to be difficult to find out when something is more comfortable or a better fit then something else. Seems choices as to what fits better has a lot to do with if he likes its apperance.

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I know this is an old topic, but does anyone that has bought a 3 year old skates know if they run smaller than shoe size, like adult skates do?

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hey guys, my son is 15 months. I'm hoping to get him out on the ice in the new year. do any dads here have experience with bob skates? the ones with the dual blade. are those even around anymore? I thought that would be a great starting point for him so he can get a good feel for ice without actually having to balance on a blade.

I can't wait to get him out there with sticks and stuff. he uses my sticks now, and hits tennis balls and other stuff around. it's amazing to watch. he's been playing with them since he was about 6-7 months

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Wow, didn't know they made real skates that small... BTW, your 18 mo must be a giant because we just bought my 3 and 1/2 yo size 8 shoes. He's currently skating in a pair of size 6-7 Bauer li'l Champs. He can only now shuffle a little without a crate.


We're waiting for his feet to grow a little more before he fit's either these size 8 Euro 101s.


Or these size 8 CCM Vector 1.0.


I bought the plastic Bauers for my older son when he was little, and the other two were the smallest skates I could find on craigslist...


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