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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Retail Blade Patterns...?

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Does anyone know what the most popular curve is in terms or rankings?

1. sakic

2. forsbberg

3. drury?

Drury is one of the worst selling retail curves.

It would be interesting to see a smaller lesser known company to try just one or two different curves instead of the usual. Could be a way to gain more exposure.

Most small companies are more concerned with making blades that appeal to the largest number of people possible. Making a blade that only appeals to a minority isn't really in their best interest.

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Because when it really comes down to it, the companies are out to make money (aren't we all). Not many companies are going to go out of their way to serve a minority, that's just the way it is. Sucks for us who are into trying patterns, but understandable.

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Does anyone know what the most popular curve is in terms or rankings?

1. sakic

2. forsbberg

3. drury?

Drury is one of the worst selling retail curves.

It would be interesting to see a smaller lesser known company to try just one or two different curves instead of the usual. Could be a way to gain more exposure.

Most small companies are more concerned with making blades that appeal to the largest number of people possible. Making a blade that only appeals to a minority isn't really in their best interest.

iver been seeing a ton of warrior kovalevs and ccm ovetchkins. the drury name doesnt sell afaik

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iver been seeing a ton of warrior kovalevs and ccm ovetchkins. the drury name doesnt sell afaik

Maybe the fact you're in Quebec is helping you see Kovalevs because I have yet to see anyone using one around here.

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in Switzerland, alot of the kids around 14 15 16 are using lidstroms, because "it gives them a great slapshot".. man i hate when people are clueless about the equipment they use..

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