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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shinguard Help

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I am looking for some advice on some shinguards that are not to bulky and can be worn inside the skate. The only catch is that I have semi large calves so they would need to be wider towards the top and narrow enough at the bottom to fit inside my skate. I currently have some really old cheap Bauers that I have been using for years. I am about 5'5 and my current Bauers are 14". I realize 14's are really to big length wise so will be purchasing a 13". I have been looking at the Supreme 70's/50's as well as the Fuel line of shinguards. I have tried RBK 5K's and they were too big at the bottom but the fit was good everywhere else. Any recommendations on what I should get? Unfortunately there is not a LHS nearby where I could try some on.

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I have the Supreme 10's and they are definately larger at the top and then alot more narrow at the bottom. I skate tongues out no problem with these and they fit really well. The Supreme 50's and 70's ar 2 and 3 levels up from mine so I only imagine these would be better quality.

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Bauer Supreme 90,70,50,30's Easton Stealth 17,16,7,5's Sherwood Classics, to name a few. These skates taper down at the bottom so you can tuck them under the tongue easier. I don't recommend RBK, CCM, Missions or Itechs because they are a wider pad although Itech is probably the better of the wider pads to try and tuck in.

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So I purchased some 13" supreme 50's and they dont really fit. Anyone here use the xxxx's? They have a adjustable calf wrap. I was also looking at the Easton S17's but would be in a junior pad with the 13" size.

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Anyone here use RBK 3K's? I am still having a hard time finding something that dont make my legs look huge. I was also looking at Sher-wood 5030 traditionals as woody15 suggested I look at. Anyone use these?

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I use 3K's, I bought 4K's for some more protection but they were too bulky and took em back. I play defense, block shots all the time and the 3k's are perfect. Many of the pros wear RBK/Jofa shinguards if that means anything to ya. I have had CCM's, D&R and bauers in the past. By far 3K is the way to go, get em, you wont be mad. Find a shinguard that does not get in the way of your skating style, mainly crossovers for me and that's the 3K. I will never use anything else.

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Do you tuck them in behind the tongue or over the tongue? I tuck them in behind the tongue and was wondering if they were too wide at the bottom to do this.

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I have Bauers and they are narrow compared to others. I've got a team mate that has an older pair of CCM shins, but took a nasty slapper off them last Sunday night. He still plans to wear them even though there is evidence of the plastic starting to deform.

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