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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rocket Runner NHL

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Doesn't seem like anyone uses the rocket runner in the nhl. Since I'm thinking about maybe trying the vector 8 or maybe even the u+, I'm curious as to why it isn't being used professionally. Anyone have any thoughts? Also, anyone using it in junior hockey; it seems like a some products actually get used there first and then those guys move on up to the nhl with them.

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Also, anyone using it in junior hockey; it seems like a some products actually get used there first and then those guys move on up to the nhl with them.

Quite a few of my teammates are wearing the U+ - most of them had solid steel put in, the rest of 'em swapped holders/steel entirely. I think there were only one or two guys who even bothered skating on the Rocket Runners before giving them up. Nobody is on them anymore.

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At the store I work at, I would say 95% of the customers that purchase the U-Plus request us to swap the metal to regular steel (which we do at no charge) We have also encountered some issues with the rocket runners, as those who are not getting it swapped are normally coming back and saying "The rink tried sharpening my skates and they broke the plastic" - The rocket runner in my opinion is just a stupid idea. I understand trying to go lighter and all that, but there are more issues than positives with the rocket runner steel. Also the U Plus boots absolutely shread and fall apart quick!

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ushltender, are the vector 08's any better? I tried on the 06's and liked the fit pretty much, but they are a little heavy compared to the more top end skates around.

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A 'gimmick' runner for a 'gimmick' skate.

Who me?

Long time CCM user who fantasizes for the return of Tacks. Maybe a design that could last longer that 1-2 years. I guess longevity of a skate is an 'old school' philosophy.

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A 'gimmick' runner for a 'gimmick' skate.

Who me?

Long time CCM user who fantasizes for the return of Tacks. Maybe a design that could last longer that 1-2 years. I guess longevity of a skate is an 'old school' philosophy.

Lack of patients today, eh? :)

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I'm curious as to why it isn't being used professionally.

With the RR, you are very limited in the amount of sharpenings you get with that little steel.

Considering NHL'ers get their skates done on a daily basis, there's no point to having that little steel to work with.

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We have also encountered some issues with the rocket runners, as those who are not getting it swapped are normally coming back and saying "The rink tried sharpening my skates and they broke the plastic"

I find this hard to believe. Yes most rink sharpeners are terrible, but i don't think the clamp on any skate holder can break a rocket, even if you purposely tried to do it. The plastic is not brittle. And honestly, even if the plastic were to break, it really shouldn't effect the skate performance at all. The rockets are simply a standard runner (of better quality steel) with some of the steel mitered out and filled with plastic. Very similar to what Hotblades had/did with their lightened steel. I sold hundreds of the Hotblades and even though some plastic chipped off on some, it had no effect on the steel whatsoever. Rockets are fairly new and we've sold quite a bit of replacement runners (not as many U skates sadly) but still, not seen one single problem and certainly no one demanding that they be swapped out with regular steel. All that I know who have them, like them a lot. I think in some cases people may not like them because their sharpener didn't know how to properly sharpen them and as such, they felt sucky.

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We have also encountered some issues with the rocket runners, as those who are not getting it swapped are normally coming back and saying "The rink tried sharpening my skates and they broke the plastic"

Even if it was true, it seems like that would be an issue with the sharpeners, and not an issue with the runners.

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We have also encountered some issues with the rocket runners, as those who are not getting it swapped are normally coming back and saying "The rink tried sharpening my skates and they broke the plastic"

I find this hard to believe. Yes most rink sharpeners are terrible, but i don't think the clamp on any skate holder can break a rocket, even if you purposely tried to do it. The plastic is not brittle. And honestly, even if the plastic were to break, it really shouldn't effect the skate performance at all. The rockets are simply a standard runner (of better quality steel) with some of the steel mitered out and filled with plastic. Very similar to what Hotblades had/did with their lightened steel. I sold hundreds of the Hotblades and even though some plastic chipped off on some, it had no effect on the steel whatsoever. Rockets are fairly new and we've sold quite a bit of replacement runners (not as many U skates sadly) but still, not seen one single problem and certainly no one demanding that they be swapped out with regular steel. All that I know who have them, like them a lot. I think in some cases people may not like them because their sharpener didn't know how to properly sharpen them and as such, they felt sucky.

A customer came in with a pair of RRs and the plastic had been melted and bubbled out from the last time it was sharpened. Maybe this is what they were talking about.

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I profiled mine last weekend at my old shop (along with Spree's) and one of the kids in the shop was like "You can't profile them."

I asked him why, and he said that they "melt."

Ignored him and went to town on it. No melt.

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Oh yea, they will melt if a sharpener overheats them steel for sure.

It's sad seeing people sharpen skates at shops and think it's so cool how the blades are HOT!!

I've sharpened the RR maybe a dozen times and there's been no problems.

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The RR's radius no problem, if done right. What I found customers like about the runners, much to my disappointment, is that they hold the edges about 3 times longer than standard steel. That mean less sharpening $$ for me. :-(

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I profiled mine last weekend at my old shop (along with Spree's) and one of the kids in the shop was like "You can't profile them."

I asked him why, and he said that they "melt."

Ignored him and went to town on it. No melt.

No melting on mine.....and they have a great edge. Lookin forward to skating on them tomorrow on the lovely brown, concrete hard ice here in BR during public skating. Nothing like pre-pubescent teens skating on first dates to use as obstacles. ;)

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No melting on mine.....and they have a great edge. Lookin forward to skating on them tomorrow on the lovely brown, concrete hard ice here in BR during public skating. Nothing like pre-pubescent teens skating on first dates to use as obstacles. ;)

Oh there's plenty of those for you to have fun with where you're moving to.. trust me. ;)

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