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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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From the "Just when you thought you've seen it all" dept.

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Same thing happened in Jersey (I think) a couple years back, his conviction was eventually overturned and thrown out. I have no problem with the person being fired for drinking on the job but this is absurd.

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People have been charged with impaired driving for operating an electric wheelchair under the influence, Hayes said.

That's a bit ridiculous.

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Been there, done that...lol...me and my boy used to go to the bar and offer up Zam rides to women. hahaha didn't Kingsville win or come in 2nd place in the Hockeyville competition this year?

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People have been charged with impaired driving for operating an electric wheelchair under the influence, Hayes said.

That's a bit ridiculous.

How is that any different than being arrested for public intoxication? Just because you're in a whellchair doesn't exempt you from being drunk. The extent of the charges is the question.

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I've CoachedWI.

And played 2-on-2 pickup, on a semi-regular basis. That turned out bad for a friend. He got in front of a shot(keep in mind no pads just skates, gloves, helmet and stick), ramped off his stick and right to his nuts. Later he took a shot off his shin... that one didn't bother him as much. haha

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