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Ea Sports NHL 2005

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hey, im looking forward to getting the new game, but i need to know the system requirments. i searched on a few games sites and even the ea site, but they wont tell me anything. does anyone have like a pre-release game that might have the system stats on them?

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Nobody will have a pre-release of the game. As jackal has said, you should be ok if your computer isn't a dinosaur.

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You have the beta version of this game? Are you a fresh-eyes tester or did you just download it from some site?

Btw, what console are you talking about?

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lol, its really easy to get off of any of about 5000 irc channels, If I had a pc (or had the urge to go on my pc, downlaod it, and play it), I could. Dont think your a big h4ck3r for getting it ;). Just search on efnet, youll find it.

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I asked these questions not because I was wowed or amazed but rather because it is somewhat of a security issue if it is actually the beta version. There is a demo version available to the public so I'm hoping that you guys are confusing that build with the actual beta.

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that wasnt towards you. There are full releases out on irc, of course they are pirated and illegal.

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It's kind of discouraging that these things leak out when it takes so much hard work to create such a game only to have competitors learn of the new features before it hits the stores. Screw the pirated shit and just wait until the final version comes out guys. You won't be disappointed.

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It's kind of discouraging that these things leak out when it takes so much hard work to create such a game only to have competitors learn of the new features before it hits the stores.

honestly, the competition would have to know about the new features WAY before there was an alpha/beta of the software to actually work them into their own software... but piracy blows the big fat one for sure. I'm not quite sure why companys don't insert trojans into their beta software. You could have a legitimate tester install a key that would counteract the trojan, and if someone installed it without the key you could wipe their drive.

but that's just me... ;)

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proboaly just 128 mb of ram, 64mb video card. 800mhz. thats about all u need to run it. just turn down all the display features if its still laggy.

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i hope its better then 2004 because 2004 was awesome , i saw 735s in one of the pictures of 2005 but they wont have the t blades and probably not xn10's ,it would be awesome to toootally customize the player and make it exaactly how you look ,i just need the xn10 and big puff of hair out the helmet and im pretty much set :lol:

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Yeah thats always sort of bothered me. Not trying to sound all Vapor here, but how many guys in the NHL have buzzed or even just short hair? A hell of a lot more have hair that sticks out of their helmets, but games never put that in.

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If they did that "face in the game" crap I hope it's easier because last time I tried that I looked like the computer face from friggin' Tron.

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hey thockey17, i read a few reviews and tehy all say that ea put in a new special feauture or something that is just like in real hcokey... so you to spill the beans and let me know?

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Unfortunately yes. There wasn't enough time to do it correctly. NHL didn't want to half-ass it and make it a 2nd rate feature compared to the likes of Madden and Tiger Woods.

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Hadn't stopped them before. ESPN is sounding better and better. It's been said here before, but Madden's team needs to be put on NHL and save it.

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Yeah, Tiburon is right across the street from me...I'd test for them if I had time. $8 p/h to play games. Hey, wait a minute...that's more than I make at the shop, I've had it wrong the entire time...

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Ugh, I'd be over there in a heartbeat. I'm already geared for disappointment in NHL 2005 after playing Madden for the last few weeks.

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Madden and FIFA receive the most budget money of all of the EA games so it's understandable that they are able to do a lot more than NHL.

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