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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Apollo Gear - Decent?

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Hi. I was at a local hockey store in Regina here. the prices on everything are STUPIDlY overpriced.

Is there any online places in Canada with reasonable prices?!?

Anyhow, I was looking at some Apollo Shing guards (sr 16") and they are asking 80$, on sale for 65$. I got some CCM V8 elbow pads for 60$, but am curious of the Apollo's are decent for 65$ or if Im better off spending a few more bucks?!? they dont look anything fancy, but anything of quality is 30$+ more...

Damn retail markups :| I wish shipping didnt kill from the states!

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Ahhh they are SMU for source for sports and I happen to have a pair and still going strong after 1.5 year of use. It has started to wear down the liner but, no crack yet and I have washed it around 4 times now during the time. There are scratches over it but, again nothing big. They are a decent pair of shin for the buck and a little bulky with plenty of protection for someone like me that plays single A and, the liner is dri-fit so its a definitely a plus to help keep the sweat away.

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The Apollo shins are decent protection. The CCM V08 elbow pads are great protection. Save the five bucks. You're good to go.

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