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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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wood sticks

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im taking the blades off my skates and im wondering weather i should put cobras or tuuks on.....jk :lol: im actually wondering how many of you guys still use wood sticks as their #1 stick to use

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Right now I'm using a Bauer 6000 with the Stickum Grip. I'm a fan of it, it's pretty light and has a good feel to it. I'm using the Jokinen (sp?) curve and it took a few shots to get used to but now I like it. I have a couple of Sherwood 9950's in the CHL 2 curve and those are great sticks too. Very stiff and I havent seen a shaft break of them yet.

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I did for a time last year, but then I just got sick and tired of the breakage factor. At one point I was breaking about three or four a week. I switched back to OPS (again) a few weeks into the season and have stuck with them since then.

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thats the funniest thing ever ,and it doesnt help that one of my earlier coach's flexed all our sticks and said which ones are good and bad and he said we should get very flexible sticks so the whole team went out and bought spaggetti for sticks and they all compared how flexible their sticks were.....many sticks were broken that year

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I have about 6 Easton Ultra Xtremes.I curve them my self and spray paint the bottoms.There not bad since they only cost 16$ CAD.But I go threw them like crazy.Ive probaly sepnt as much money with the woods than for 1 Synergy.But then again I like them alot.

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speaking of wood sticks my teamate flexed his sherwood 5030 and it snapped ,he flew ,it was hillarious :lol:

one of my freinds did that with a z-bubble but it looked like it exploded lol

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I have about 6 Easton Ultra Xtremes.I curve them my self and spray paint the bottoms.There not bad since they only cost 16$ CAD.But I go threw them like crazy.Ive probaly sepnt as much money with the woods than for 1 Synergy.But then again I like them alot.

i bought one, it was pretty good, was gona spray paint it black and make it like a nazzy woody but i flex it too hard and it broke

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I'm using wood sticks still. I played with an Easton Ultra-Lite for a while, but I find that I still prefer wood. My twig of choice: Sher-Wood PMP 7000 with a Bondra pattern. Shame they don't make 'em with the Bondra anymore, I'll have to find something else soon, I'm running out of them. Maybe a Havlat pattern.

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