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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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4 Rolls/XXXX

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I searched for it but I cant find anything on it...

Okay, so I despratly want a pair of 4 rolls or the the XXXX in the the same style as the black hawks (P. Kane or P.Sharp). I've contacted east west but they don't have them in 14 inches. Ive also checked ebay and they dont have them in the Hawks colors any more. I am desperate for a pair. Any help would be awesome.

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Yeah, I checked again and saw that they weren't there anymore - they had been in an ebay store. It's too bad they ran out, I had been thinking about picking up a pair after falling in love with my Ducks 4-rolls from the same place.

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Have you only been looking for 14" in the 4 rolls? I have them and I went down a size from my vapors to a 13", have you tried on a pair yet? If you realize you need a 13" instead of 14" pair you may have more luck.... just a thought.

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if you find somewhere that has a few pairs and don't mind sharing let me know, i've been looking for these gloves as well (14").

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