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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sticks and their kickpoint

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The tps actually looks really nice, but I cannot find any curve I like. I use a pm9/forsberg curve currently and don't intend to change.

Tkachuk is a PM9 clone

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thanks thats good to hear. has anyone else had experience with the R10? This whole progressive flex is new to me. I like the idea, but I need more info.

EDIT: I just checked HockeyGiant, and using the promo code, the R8 and XN10 are under 100. I think I will opt for one of those, how do the differ from each other? Also how do their flexes compare to NBH or easton?

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thanks thats good to hear. has anyone else had experience with the R10? This whole progressive flex is new to me. I like the idea, but I need more info.

EDIT: I just checked HockeyGiant, and using the promo code, the R8 and XN10 are under 100. I think I will opt for one of those, how do the differ from each other? Also how do their flexes compare to NBH or easton?

Whip = 77 Bauer, Regular = 87 Bauer, Stiff = 102 Bauer

The R10 is a great stick. Very light, great shooting stick. Concave shaft with textile grip, bottom half of stick has some grip. Overall a great package.

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For $20 more is the macdaddy worth it?

You can heat and pull the Dolomite when the blade goes, you're essentially getting a shaft with a free blade at $100. If you can stand the bright colors and the lighter/more balanced stick is worth $20, go for it. I didn't think the MacDaddy blade was anything special, and I can't stand Warrior's shaft shape to be honest. If you're used to Easton sticks that are square (I swear they feel taller too) with a nice weave texture, you definitely want to get your hands on one to see if it works. I've dumped all the Warrior sticks I've owned because I just can't stand the shape and feel.

I hated the way my Dolomite pro stock shaft felt as well, as I've always used Eastons. I got rid of mine very quickly, and got myself a couple of S11's.

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It weighs in at 515grams untaped, full length (which is how I use it). I actually really like the weight, not stupidly light, and feels quite well balanced to me. I do find that it is whipper that other 100 flex sticks that I've used. I've only used it a few games, but my saucer passes and more like shots at the moment! :P

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