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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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how do i...

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Put a piece of paper over the TONGUE, then tape down with clear tape. That way, when you take the tape off the TONGUE, you're not ripping felt off as well.

The whole "tounge" misspelling is annoying.

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if you have original 9k's like i do, its a pain in the ass getting them to stay horizontal, which is how im trying to get them.. during the game, they just pop back up again.

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I used black and decker clamps on the TONGUE when I wasn't skating. after a week, they lay down nicely

+1. 2 standard wood clamps worked perfectly, 2 on each skate for a nice even fold.

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Actually just came up with a simply simple device for getting that crease on your tongues. Like JR said, take a piece of tape, fold it over your folded down tongues, then use duct tape to tape it tightly creased and in place. Wrap the duct tape around 3 or 4 times, to make a thick band. Then slide it off (tape has only stuck to paper and not the felt) and rip off as much paper as you can so you have a ring of tape. Flip it inside out and put tape on the 'now' outside, what used to be sticking to the paper. Now you have duct tape on both sides and no stickiness remaining. Duct tape is about 2 inches wide, so I cut it down the middle to make 2 identical 1 inch wide circles, the perfect size to flop down my tongues when not in use. Now you can slide them over your tongues in that folded down position when not in use, and presto, your tongues will be trained in no time. Beats the hell out of taping and papering every single time! Hope that wasn't too confusing!

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