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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shin Pad Length

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Do you generally need a longer shin pad to wear them on the outside of your skates, as opposed to where you have them tucked in behind the skate tongues?

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No, you only need a shin pad that is the correct length for your shin. Don't go longer just because you want to wear them over the tongue of your skate.

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If you are intending to wear them outside of your tongues, you can afford to go one size up if you want to. The same cannot be said if you are going to wear them behind your tongues.

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tucking them in the tongues= one/two size lower than normal...

if you extra length over the tongues= one size higher than normal..

tucking seems to be popular lately... as david said it's personal preference.

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tucking them in the tongues= one/two size lower than normal...

if you extra length over the tongues= one size higher than normal..

tucking seems to be popular lately... as david said it's personal preference.

so then what's normal?

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tucking them in the tongues= one/two size lower than normal...

if you extra length over the tongues= one size higher than normal..

tucking seems to be popular lately... as david said it's personal preference.

so then what's normal?

one/two sizes more than too short.


one size smaller than too big.

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