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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Inno Manic Stick

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i have 2 of these things. i absolutely love them. i would recommend them over alot of other sticks out currently.

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i have 2 of these things. i absolutely love them. i would recommend them over alot of other sticks out currently.

I stocked up after realizing this was the perfect stick for me. These things are fantastic. Highly recommend the INNO Maniac.

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i have 2 of these things. i absolutely love them. i would recommend them over alot of other sticks out currently.

I stocked up after realizing this was the perfect stick for me. These things are fantastic. Highly recommend the INNO Maniac.

that might be why they have nothing left at hm for rightys.

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i have 2 of these things. i absolutely love them. i would recommend them over alot of other sticks out currently.

I stocked up after realizing this was the perfect stick for me. These things are fantastic. Highly recommend the INNO Maniac.

that might be why they have nothing left at hm for rightys.

see above post.

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i myself also have 2 of the maniacs and i swear by them.. i believe i heard they are dolomite repainted.. im even thinking of picking some more up but in a differnt curve next time i go to my local peranis. there tanks.. atleast the ones i have are it seems

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p88= NBH p88

draper = warrior draper

robaitialle = warrior robatitialle

if you read they are sticks from other companies repainted..

Yeah I read the posts. Just wondering how they looked on the Inno....

But thank you for the info. Any pictures would be helpful

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